Our ‘Love Your Body Boot Camp’ takes you through six weeks of high intensity, heart-pumping workouts to reclaim your fitness and fall in love with your body all over again (or for the first time ever).
Increase your energy levels, gain confidence and strength, and lose the extra pounds. Men and women from all fitness levels are welcome. Each Love Your Body Boot Camp class was designed using functional movement patterns (without the heavy barbells) that deliver time-tested and truly measurable health & fitness improvements for everyone from stay-at-home parents to those who work in offices to our local firefighters and police officers (and every other human being on the planet, if we really get down to it). Each class is approximately one hour and will keep you engaged, inspired, and motivated. You do the exercises, you sweat a lot and have fun in the process, and when you come back to the next class…the exercises will be completely different, so you will never get bored! |
Our Love Your Body Boot Camp program is $125/person and includes all the scheduled boot camp classes you are able to attend during the six-week program. No contract, no hidden fees, and no up-selling. Just lots of fun, hard work, and positive changes!
Six Week Program
Every Monday, Tuesday & Thursday at 10 a.m.
Dates for next class TBD
Six Week Program
Every Monday, Tuesday & Thursday at 10 a.m.
Dates for next class TBD