We believe in eating quality foods that make you feel good and perform well. We also believe in living a normal, healthy, social life...and that you have to find balance in almost everything you do.
It's not reasonable to "be strict" 100% of the time, but could you maybe drink more water and less soda? Sure you can! Could you maybe eat more veggies and less fast food? You bet! Could you swap out that dessert for some yummy fruit here and there. Of course! Over the years, we've learned that the best way we can get results for YOU is by tailoring our approach to YOUR personality. Are you better off with a slow & steady shift in your habits? Do you need more accountability? Would you prefer to count calories and track macronutrients? Do you know what macronutrients are? Do you want to get some info then go on your way, or do want to check in once a week or hear from a coach every day? All this (and more) will determine how we work with you to help you reach your goals. There is NO one-size-fits-all answer out there, and we'll go head to head with anyone who tells you there is. It's simply not true. Soooo.....here's a video from Coach Brandi breaking the crazy world of "nutrition" into 3 easy-to-understand buckets & explaining the why-what-how of it all. Essentially, you each fall into one of 3 "levels" and there's no reason to overthink this stuff.
Level 1 - Your current goal is to focus on the QUALITY of your food. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store for the healthy stuff; read labels to be sure there isn't a ton of added sugar or other junk in there; and try to fit all of your meals into this sentence: "Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar." How we can help: we talk about nutrition all the time, and we're happy to answer questions or take a peek at your food log to give feedback and get you on the right track. Have questions? Just ask! Level 2 - You know what to do, but you're not very consistent. You tend to do really well for a few weeks, then fall off the wagon and beat yourself up about it...or you do great during the week, but blow it out every weekend...or you're fine until you're faced with those donuts at the office, then you just can't help yourself. For YOU, the goal is to stay on track because CONSISTENCY is what it's going to take to reach your goals.
How we can help: we offer an online nutrition coaching solution to help shift your mindset and build new habits to fix that consistency 'issue'. You'll have daily accountability without overwhelm and we'll work together to slowly get you to that next level where YOU are in control and YOU decide what, when, and how much to eat....because you finally want to, the decisions are easy, and you've jumped off the roller coaster for good. [Learn more...] Level 3 - You get it. Protein, carbs, and fat make sense and you're ready to DIAL IT IN and track your data. You're not afraid of weighing/measuring your food; the scale doesn't scare you; and you know check-ins and accountability are just part of the process to help you reach the next level. You actually have a little more freedom regarding the quality of your food at this level, because it's all about hitting your specific macro amounts and THAT creates the balance you need right now.
How we can help: We can help you set your macros, then you keep track/adjust as needed from there based on how you feel, how you're performing in the workouts, how you're recovering, etc. This is a free service for our CFH athletes - just send us an email; we're happy to get you started. OR...we can set your macros + provide weekly check-ins and adjustments FOR YOU. This requires a commitment on your part to go all in, literally track every single thing you eat & drink, and report back to your coach every single week for adjustments to help you move forward. This is a one-time flat-fee service open to anyone who wants to work with us; you have to make the decision that you're in it for the long haul; you have to trust the process; and you have to stay on track. When you're ready, willing, and able - we'd love to help you. 12 weeks: $299 [Email us today to get started] |
World Class Fitness in 100 Words (courtesy of CrossFit Inc.)
Eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. Keep intake to levels that will support exercise but not body fat. Practice and train major lifts: deadlift, clean, squat, presses, clean & jerk, and snatch. Similarly, master the basics of gymnastics: pull-ups, dips, rope climb, push-ups, sit-ups, presses to handstand, pirouettes, flips, splits, and holds. Bike, run, swim, row, etc, hard and fast. Five or six days per week mix these elements in as many combinations and patterns as creativity will allow. Routine is the enemy. Keep workouts short and intense. Regularly learn and play new sports. |