Also, if you want to order a specific size/color t-shirt, be sure to let us know TODAY. We have the order sheet and will place the order this week.
Hang Power Cleans (135/95#)
*compare to 5-30-12
![]() If you want to participate in the Meat or Veggie CSA (community-supported agriculture) offerings where they deliver food TO YOU at CrossFit Hermitage, be sure to sign up today or tomorrow! Details are on the bulletin board. Also, if you want to order a specific size/color t-shirt, be sure to let us know TODAY. We have the order sheet and will place the order this week. Strength: Cleans Conditioning: 15-12-9 Hang Power Cleans (135/95#) T2B *compare to 5-30-12 ![]() Please give a big CFH family welcome to the newest group of 101 graduates. From left: Klae, Richard, Beth is hiding in the back, Leigh, Terri in the light blue with her husband Mike in the very back, Chelsea in the red shirt, then Casey, and Jason. Strength: Press and Push Press Conditioning: 3 Rounds :40 on / :20 off T2B Parallette Pass-Throughs Burpees HSPU ![]() Don't forget to adjust your clocks before you hit the sack tonight, and enjoy that extra hour of sleep and recovery! "The 3 Amigos" (courtesy of CrossFit New England) With a running clock complete: (1) 3 Rounds for Time: 10 Power Snatch (95/65#) 10 HSPU At the 10 minute mark, complete: (2) 3 Rounds for Time: 10 Thrusters (95/65#) 10 Pull-Ups At the 20 minute mark, complete: (3) 3 Rounds for Time: 10 Box Jumps (24/20") 10 T2B ![]() Although some of you met our newest athlete during last week's Fran workout, we want to officially introduce him. Please help welcome Curtis Himstedt to the CrossFit Hermitage family! He's been CrossFitting for a few years now, but would certainly appreciate you guys showing him the ropes at his new CF home. Now, let's focus on form and get ready for the max-effort week ahead. LIFT: Deadlift (5-3-1+) MetCon: 5 Rounds 3 DL (70% of your newly calculated 1RM) 6 HR Push-Ups 9 T2B ![]() One easy way to get healthy fats into your diet is to cook with olive oil...but be sure you know the difference between regular olive oil and extra virgin olive oil (EVOO). EVOO is created in the first press of the olives to retrieve the oil; it is therefore unrefined and virtually unprocessed. To create regular olive oil, that oil is then processed, which removes most of the nutrients. Along with antioxidants, one of the most valuable nutrients is oleocanthal (yep, good scrabble word), an anti-inflammatory similar to ibuprofen. Sooo...reach for the EVOO for all those yummy Paleo meals you guys are dishing up! LIFT: Press (5-5-5) MetCon: 12 min AMRAP Sprint 50m (not run...not jog...sprint) 10 T2B 15 PP (95/65#) ![]() It's time for another Partner WOD! Buddy up, cowboy up, man up, whatever...let's do some work! Run 200m with sandbag 40 Sit-Ups & 40 Burpess to the sandbag Run 200m with sandbag 40 V-Ups & 40 Front Squat with sandbag Run 200m with sandbag 40 Hollow Rock & 40 Push Press with sandbag Run 200m with sandbag 40 T2B & 40 Squat Clean with sandbag (weight options on the whiteboard) *One partner must hold the sandbag at all times (e.g., if you are doing sit-ups your partner holds the sandbag; if you are doing front squats you're using the sandbag). *Both partners must run all distances; you can decide who carries the sandbag, or you can both carry it together. *Allocate the number of necessary reps between you in any way you'd like. ![]() Uh oh...it's another Birthday WOD! Yep, one of your coaches celebrates the 8th anniversary of her 29th birthday tomorrow (because Brandi never actually turned 30) so it's time to crank it up! Don't worry...today's WOD really isn't that bad. 4 Rounds 3 Power Cleans (95/65#) 6 Toes-to-Bar 9 Jumping Lunges 12 MB Squats
LIFT: Clean & Jerk (5-5-5+)
MetCon: Buy-in = Fish Game (don't worry...we'll show you) THEN 6 Rounds for time of 5 T2B & 5 Push-Ups THEN Rest 5 min Cash-out = Row 1000m for time ![]() Ok, gang...the Paleo Challenge is almost here! You need to begin your food log and plan on a 30-day STRICT window starting Friday, June 1...strict means strict - eat lean meats, fresh veggies, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and NO SUGAR. Avoid grains (including bread, pasta, noodles), beans (including string beans, kidney beans, lentils, peanuts, peas), potatoes, and dairy products. Plan to stick around tonight or tomorrow night after class for your "before" measurements, weight, body fat %, and photos (for our eyes only; these will not be posted anywhere). Remember, the buy-in is $20/person. Cash only - pay during weigh in. During the 30-day challenge you are expected to eat 100% Paleo...yes, you can go 30 days without a cheat meal. You are expected to keep a food log of every single thing you eat during the 30-day challenge; we will ask you to post this information from time to time and you should be able to produce this food log upon request. At the end of 30 days, the person with the most positive change in body composition (this doesn't always mean just losing weight...you can focus on gaining muscle, too) will win the pot of money...so the more people who participate, the higher the cash prize at the end...hint, hint (separate male & female categories). NO LATE ENTRIES will be accepted. LIFT: Power Snatch (3-3-3+) MetCon: 15-12-9 Hang Power Clean (135/95#) T2B ![]() Don't forget - our next CrossFit 101 class starts Tuesday. Be sure to spread the word! LIFT: Power Clean (5-3-1+) MetCon: 5 Rounds 12 Wall Ball (20/14#) 12 Toes-to-Bar ![]() It's a good thing Troy's been practicing his Power Cleans...'cause today is game day! 9-15-21 Power Snatch (95/65) Power Clean (95/65) Toes to Bar Rest 2 minutes 200m weighted run (30/20# sandbag) |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018