10:00 AMRAP
10 Over-Bar Burpees
8 Push Press (115/75#)
6 V-Ups
4 Jumping Lunges
3 sets, each for time
10 Squat Cleans (135/95#)
10 Pull-ups
Rest 2:00 between sets
![]() All active members should have received "the survey email" yesterday. Please let us know if you didn't...and please take a moment to complete the survey by this weekend. Thanks! Strength/Conditioning: 10:00 AMRAP 10 Over-Bar Burpees 8 Push Press (115/75#) 6 V-Ups 4 Jumping Lunges THEN 3 sets, each for time 10 Squat Cleans (135/95#) 10 Pull-ups Rest 2:00 between sets ![]()
Strength: Cleans Conditioning: 10 min AMRAP 15 Sandbag 1/2 Moons 10 Pull-Ups 5 V-Ups *compare to 9-5-12 ![]() Don't forget:
Strength: Cleans Conditioning: 3 Rounds 10 Over-the-Box Burpees 10 Hang Power Cleans 10 V-Ups ![]() Please help us wish Zack Stroud a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY today! Strength: Deadlift Conditioning: 10 min AMRAP 7 Push Press (60%) 20 Jumping Lunges 10 V-Ups *compare to 9-12-12 ![]() Have you recovered from Saturday's celebration of Barbara's birthday yet? Well....we have another one to celebrate - HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEV! How are those January goals coming along? You only have a few days left to knock them out if you haven't already. Along those lines, if you're interested in the 90-day Paleo Challenge be sure to put your name on the white board and sign up for a weigh-in time. The challenge starts next Monday, 2/4. Strength: Press Conditioning: 3 Rounds 5 SDHP (95/65#) 7 KB Snatch (55/35#) 9 V-Ups ![]() GET READY - the CrossFit Open starts in a few short months! Registration begins January 30, 2013 and the first Open workout will be announced March 6, 2013. Check out this CrossFit article to be sure you know what to expect this year. Each week during the Open, CrossFit HQ will announce that week's workout on Wednesday; we will hold the workout that Saturday. If you are competing in the Open, you must complete the workout as prescribed and each rep must be verified by a judge (more on that later). For those of you not competing, we will have scaled versions just like normal Saturdays. Until then, let's kick-start our 2013 CrossFit training with a little "Welcome to 2013"... 20 Hang Power Cleans (115/75#) 13 V-Ups 20 Front Squats (115/75#) 13 Plate Burpees 20 Push Press (115/75#) 13 Push-Ups 20 Squat Cleans (115/75#) 13 Russian Twists ![]() It's time to get back to work! We only have a 9 a.m. class today, so set those alarm clocks, snap out of that turkey coma, and come in ready to work. "Black Friday" Run 2 large laps (both buildings) 50 Wall Ball (20/14#) 40 Box Jumps (24/20") 30 Push-Ups 20 Pull-Ups 10 V-Ups Run 2 large laps ![]() If you are competing this weekend, DO NOT come in tonight. We love ya, but you must get your rest! We'll have a short Met-Con tomorrow night, followed by lots of mobility work for everyone (competitors will only do the mobility work). We WILL have regular class Saturday morning, so come on in then head over to CF Music City to cheer for your CFH family. Strength: Deadlift (3-3-3+) Conditioning: 10 min AMRAP 30 Jumping Lunges 20 Push-Ups 10 V-Ups ![]() From the CrossFit Games site: "The 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games will be airing on ESPN2 starting Tuesday, September 11 at 10 p.m. EST. Catch all the action of this year’s competition from the surprise Camp Pendleton endurance events to the intense final day of competition where the competitors tackle Elizabeth, Isabel and Fran." http://games.crossfit.com/article/espn2-tv-schedule Strength: 1 Clean + 2 Push Jerks 2 sets @ 65% 2 sets @ 75% 3 sets @ 85% *Rest 1-2 minutes between sets Conditioning: 10 min AMRAP 7 Push Press (60% of 1RM) 20 Jumping Lunges 10 V-Ups ![]() Be sure to give Darlene a big congrats when you see her next - she just completed her first 10K ever! Her longest distance prior to this race was a 5K, and she did no official "running training" leading up to this one...only CrossFit. She says "something must be working"...um, yeah it is. Kudos to you, Darlene! LIFT: Split Jerk / Push Jerk (5-5-5) MetCon: 10 min AMRAP 15 Sandbag Half-Moons 10 Pull-ups 5 V-Ups ![]() It's time for another Partner WOD! Buddy up, cowboy up, man up, whatever...let's do some work! Run 200m with sandbag 40 Sit-Ups & 40 Burpess to the sandbag Run 200m with sandbag 40 V-Ups & 40 Front Squat with sandbag Run 200m with sandbag 40 Hollow Rock & 40 Push Press with sandbag Run 200m with sandbag 40 T2B & 40 Squat Clean with sandbag (weight options on the whiteboard) *One partner must hold the sandbag at all times (e.g., if you are doing sit-ups your partner holds the sandbag; if you are doing front squats you're using the sandbag). *Both partners must run all distances; you can decide who carries the sandbag, or you can both carry it together. *Allocate the number of necessary reps between you in any way you'd like. ![]() LIFT: Press (5-5-5) MetCon: 3 Rounds 10 Box Jumps (24/20") 10 V-Ups Sign-ups are in now and it looks like we're gonna have one heck of a good time tomorrow during the fundraiser! Here's a peek at the workout, but we'll share standards, movement tips, etc as we start class tomorrow morning. It's not too late to grab 2 friends (at least 1 female) and head on down. We can take CASH OR CHECKS ONLY as your donations tomorrow morning. If you need to pay by credit card, visit this page and enter your donation before you show up. We'll have tax receipts available at the event. For time, each team will: Run 400m 150 Box Jumps (24/20") 75 Push Press (45/25# dumbbells, or 95/55# barbells) 75 Air Squats 150 Steps Walking Lunges (same PP weights) Run 400m NOTE: While 1 team member is working, the other 2 must hold a 25# plate overhead. Competitive division workout; scaled division workout will be on the white board! |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018