Alexie Smith, Mike Hobkirk, Manda Patrick, and Amanda Fox scored bonus points for their respective teams by placing FIRST in the workouts. Chris Shepard, Michael Bergmann, Andy Gwinn, Taylor Greene, and Xan Key snagged extra points for bringing some CFH friends & family to help cheer them on. Team "Frantastic Thruster Booster Five" captured the spirit points for the week for their support of each other online + in the gym. After all the points were tallied, the SPIRIT CUP trophy went home with team "Chalk Monkeys" for even more decoration & craziness.
Be sure YOU swing by this Saturday to say hello, help us cheer, and see what the fuss is all about. You could even help your friend's team earn extra points just by being here. Guaranteed good times!
Today's Workout:
Strength: Cleans
KB Sumo DL
Jumping Lunges
Elbow Plank Jacks
*Compare to 8-23-16