We need to send a HUGE thank you to everyone who volunteered to judge. You were an integral part of this Open season and we literally could not have done this without you guys.
As for points, Alexie Smith, Aaron Joyce, Manda Patrick, and Jennifer Dorsett all won 1st place in their divisions. Once again, the Frantastic Thruster Booster Five team pulled together to earn the spirit points as the "vacation family"...and the overall spirit award trophy went to the Chalk Monkeys. Congrats to everyone on a fantastic season!
Strength: Back Squats
EMOM Circuit 12
A = 8 R-leg Deadlifts
B = 20 Hollow Rocks
C = 8 L-leg Deadlifts
D = 20 Arch Body Rocks
:60 Max Squats
:60 Max Push-ups