Create a team of 3 (at least 1 female) and put your name on the sign-up sheet under the Social (scaled workout) or Competitive (RX and judged workout) division. We will run heats with the times determined by how many people sign up. The workout will consist of a team run; some box jumps; push press; air squats; and walking lunges...so you can partner with ANYONE...they do not have to be current CrossFit Hermitage athletes (or even CrossFitters at all)!
We will post a link for donations soon - remember, this IS a fundraiser. The suggested donation is $25, but Steve's Club appreciates any amount. Be sure to get your friends and family involved. This is a great way for them to join in your CrossFit fun, make a donation to help at-risk youth, or just cheer and support you as you do the WOD on Saturday, May 19.
Today's Lift: Push Jerk (5-3-1+)
MB Cleans (20/14#)