Here at CrossFit Hermitage, we're including the event in EVERY class we hold on Friday, December 1 and you have THREE OPTIONS to participate.
1 - Hop online & register today so we know you're coming. It's free and you simply show up for class like usual (+ a gift for a kid in need, please).
2 - Register for the free event PLUS order a sweet t-shirt/tank ($35).
3 - Make a donation to support the local & global mission of Faith Rx’d.
3 rounds:
15 Hang Power Snatch (95/65#)
2:00 Row for max meters
15 Burpees AFAP
REST 2:00
3 rounds:
10 Power Cleans @ 60%
Run 400m (yes, outside)
REST 2:00
3 rounds, NFT:
:30 Pallof Hold/side
10 BB Rollouts