We don't think there's any reason to panic about COVID-19.
We DO think there's reason to be careful and take preventive measures.
Not having a roof or walls right now won't stop us from helping you stay healthy.😉 As you visit our partner gyms, keep the following in mind:
We'll be back in our very our CFH-clean-freak bubble again soon!
We DO think there's reason to be careful and take preventive measures.
Not having a roof or walls right now won't stop us from helping you stay healthy.😉 As you visit our partner gyms, keep the following in mind:
- DO NOT go to the gym sick...or "kinda icky". If you have any symptoms of illness, stay home.
- Wash your hands before & after every workout.
- Wipe down equipment before & after you use it.
- DO NOT STICK YOUR HANDS IN THE CHALK BUCKET. Purchase your own liquid chalk, or just go without for the time being.
- Keep hand sanitizer in your car or gym bag.
- Adjust your schedule to attend the classes with fewer people (CFH would implement a 10-person cap on classes right now, per the CDC).
- Consider going to larger gyms or using open gym time where you can spread out and not share equipment.
- Take advantage of the at-home workouts we're programming. As the coronavirus spreads, we might be forced to avoid each other for a bit and this will be the only option.
- If a gym uses a shared keyboard/mouse for checking in, ask if there's a way you can do it on your phone. Stop touching things.
- Virtual high-fives, maybe some elbow bumps, or just giving 'the look' across the room is the new celebration style.
We'll be back in our very our CFH-clean-freak bubble again soon!