Beast Mode: ON!
LIFT: Good Mornings (5-5-5+)
30 MB Cleans (20/14#)
25 KB Swings (55/35#)
20 Lunges
15 Pull-ups
10 OH Squats (95/65#)
5 Push Press (95/65#)
Beast Mode: ON! LIFT: Good Mornings (5-5-5+) MetCon: 30 MB Cleans (20/14#) 25 KB Swings (55/35#) 20 Lunges 15 Pull-ups 10 OH Squats (95/65#) 5 Push Press (95/65#) "Sweat cleanses from the inside. It comes from places a shower will never reach." -author unknown LIFT: Front Squat (5-5-5+) MetCon: 3 rounds 10 Power Cleans (135/95#) 20 DB Lunges (35/25#) 30 Double Unders Happy (early) Birthday, Barbara! In honor of another member's birthday, today's WOD is the CrossFit benchmark, "Barbara". Enjoy! "Cutting corners today weakens your foundation tomorrow." - author unknown Take this time to really focus on technique and drill the basics into your head. The Turkish Get-Up is a SLOW movement with many different components. We'll practice it together and you'll have plenty of time to work on that great foundation. LIFT: 3 x 5 (Front Squat, Press, Thruster) Skill Work: 3 Rounds 10 Turkish Get-Ups (5/side) Rest 2 min 10 Weighted Ring Push-Ups Rest 2 min As always, scaling options are on the whiteboard. WEEEEEE!!!!! (there's really nothing else to say, right?!?) LIFT: Push Jerk (5-5-5) MetCon: Tabata Squats & Tabata Push-ups We love to see the laughter! It's always more fun with friends, so let your pals know we're starting a new CrossFit 101 class at 7 p.m. TONIGHT. Contact us with questions. Anyone is welcome so spread the word! LIFT: Bulgarian Split Squats (5-5-5) MetCon: Descending Ladder 10-8-6-4-2 Hang Power Cleans (95/65) Strict Pull-ups Abmat Sit ups You all did a great job pushing each other last week, and it was wonderful to see everyone give MAX EFFORT! This is a de-load week, so take the opportunity to really focus on technique. It will pay off when we hit our next max effort week. LIFT: Sumo Deadlift High Pull (5-5-5) MetCon: 5 Rounds 10 SDHP (95/65) 10 Box Jumps (20") As always, scaled options are on the board. It's a good thing Troy's been practicing his Power Cleans...'cause today is game day! 9-15-21 Power Snatch (95/65) Power Clean (95/65) Toes to Bar Rest 2 minutes 200m weighted run (30/20# sandbag) Now THIS is what we like to see...everyone cheering for the last athlete working. Happy Friday everyone - feel the love! LIFT: Overhead Squat 5-3-1+ MetCon: 4 Rounds (NOT FOR TIME) 4 six-foot broad jumps 4 Man Makers Long-sleeve Ts are ALMOST READY! They are printing now and we should have them in hand on Monday. Be sure to stick around after class and get your very own CrossFit Hermitage garb for those cold-weather workouts. Short sleeve Ts are in the works and coming soon. We promise! LIFT: Deadlift 5-3-1+ MetCon: 5 Rounds 5 KB Windmills 5 Back Extensions CONGRATULATIONS to Sandy Bell for graduating from CrossFit 101! She's ready to tackle more and move into the group class now. LIFT: Hang Power Snatch (5-3-1+) MetCon: 4 Rounds Sprint 100m 10 Burpees Sprint 100m 10 Pull-Ups
LIFT: Power Clean (5-3-1+)
Skill Work: Clean & Jerk (with Barbell Roll-Outs sprinkled on top) Look hands! LIFT: Push Press 5-3-1+ MetCon: 2 Rounds; Rest 2:00 between rounds 2:00 max rep Push-Ups 2:00 max rep Flutter Kicks 2:00 max rep Squats Allow us to introduce you to "The Bear Complex." We're going to add some weight and situps to this popular conditioning movement and have some fun with it today! 5 Rounds of: 7 Bears (95/65) 10 Sit Ups 1 Bear = Power Clean Front Squat Push Press Back Squat Behind-the-Neck Push Press Don't give us that look. We know you love kettlebell swings! LIFT: Power Clean 3-3-3 MetCon: 3 Rounds 40 Double-Unders 30 Box Jumps (24/20") 20 KB Swings (55/35) As always, scaled options are on the board. CONGRATULATIONS to Jonathan Pledger for graduating from our CrossFit 101 class last night! Be sure to say hello to the big guy in the group class soon...and just so you know, his friends call him Pledger. LIFT: Front Squat 3-3-3 MetCon: 3 Rounds 5 K2E 12 Ring Push Ups This is a kettlebell. It is your friend. Become one with the kettlebell. LIFT: Push Press 3-3-3 MetCon: Kettlebell Stations (you'll see...) Take a look at these tick marks (yes, they were written in the middle of a fast, sweaty WOD) and guess who they belong to. Hint - he's an engineer. LIFT: Power Snatch MetCon: Run 200m 5 sets of 1 Power Snatch + 3 OH Squats Details and scaling on the board. |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018