7 min AMRAP
3 Clean & Jerk (115/75#)...[(135/95#) for the Open competitors]
3 T2B
6 Clean & Jerk
6 T2B
9 Clean & Jerk
9 T2B
Continue adding 3 reps to each round
Help us send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Barbara Ford, then come in for the CrossFit Open 13.4 workout (to do the Met-Con or just to cheer on your fellow warriors as they tackle the 4th of 5 competition weekends), and of course - wrap up the weekend with a very HAPPY EASTER tomorrow! 7 min AMRAP 3 Clean & Jerk (115/75#)...[(135/95#) for the Open competitors] 3 T2B 6 Clean & Jerk 6 T2B 9 Clean & Jerk 9 T2B Continue adding 3 reps to each round
Help us send all the best wishes you can muster to Holland Marie as she walks down the aisle to marry her honey today! Strength: Clean & Jerk Conditioning: for time, complete the following list 200 Singles THEN 3 Rounds of: 5 MB Cleans (20/14#) 10 WB Sit-Ups 15 HR Push-Ups THEN 200 Singles Our friend with the Bison farm informed us that's it almost time to harvest another crop....which means MEAT! Let us know if you're interested in going in as a group again this year on a full or half bison - we'll have a sign-up sheet on the front table. Strength: Turkish Get-Ups Conditioning: 8 min AMRAP 30 Bar-Facing Burpees 20 OH Squats (115/75#) 15 Dips 10 Pull-Ups Lots of people are ringing that PR bell - how are YOUR goals coming along? You only have a few days left to hit those March targets so set aside time to practice, practice, practice! Strength: Front Squats Conditioning: 12 min AMRAP 7 Power Cleans (115/75#) 10 Push Jerks 15 Sit-Ups *compare to 12-19-12 Please give a big CFH family welcome to the newest group of 101 graduates. From left: Klae, Richard, Beth is hiding in the back, Leigh, Terri in the light blue with her husband Mike in the very back, Chelsea in the red shirt, then Casey, and Jason. Strength: Press and Push Press Conditioning: 3 Rounds :40 on / :20 off T2B Parallette Pass-Throughs Burpees HSPU This is it - the CrossFit Open 13.3 workout has been announced and we're going to tackle it today! It's a great mix of the benchmark "Karen" workout and the benchmark of 30 muscle-ups...with a few double-unders in between. 12 min AMRAP 150 Wall Ball (20/14#) 90 Double-Unders 30 Muscle-Ups Strength: OH Squats Conditioning: "Karen" 150 Wall Ball for time (20/14#) ...or run/row and mobility to prep for tomorrow's CrossFit Open 13.3 workout.
Strength: Deadlifts Conditioning: 3 Rounds 10 T2B 10 Power Cleans (70%) 10 HR Push-Ups Then immediately work to complete 30 HSPU NOW...STOP THE WHINING! Ok gang, it’s time to take a step back and think about why you’re here. We know your time is valuable - surely you’re not choosing to spend it doing something you don’t want to do, right? You started this CrossFit journey to get better – period. We understand that means something different for everyone: lose weight, gain muscle, move better, learn new skills, live a more independent life, relieve stress, etc….but whatever your goal, the only way to get there is to work for it, not complain about it. Now, I’m not saying we have a box full of Negative Nellys…nor are we all Positive Pollys all the time (boy would that be aggravating). I think we collectively land somewhere in between, but lately there’s been a TON of whining and moaning, and it needs to stop. I’m talking about those seemingly harmless comments like “I could never do that muscle-up thing” or “I suck at running” to the flat-out negative “Burpees? Again? I hate Burpees” or “Paleo sucks” or “This is too hard.” This is a supportive community, and if you’re having a bad day, we get it…but please understand that your comments impact everyone around you whether you realize it or not. Every day, there’s going to be something on that whiteboard that someone doesn’t like. How horrible would it be to walk in and hear every single person complain about every single move? You are here to get better, and we are here to get you there, but that’s not going to happen without hard work. Scale back when you need to; take a short break when you need to; but when you arrive at the box, come in ready to work and stay positive. You CAN do this...you ARE better than yesterday! Lisbeth Darsh is a member of the social media team for CrossFit HQ and shares some spot-on thoughts through her blog, "CrossFit Lisbeth." Read on (and pardon the language)... “…WTF has happened to people in this world? When did bitching become the hobby du jour? “I don’t like that.” “But I can’t do that.” “This workout favors the stronger/lighter/faster/slower/heavier/younger/older/blue-eyed/olive-skinned/gamer/book worm mathlete.” “But that weight’s too heavy.” “That weight’s too light.” This isn’t Goldilocks and the Three Bears. You don’t get to try everything until you find the bar that is “just right.” There’s no blanky or sleepy time during the workout. You get what you’re given. And you do the workout. See, you found CrossFit and part of its appeal was that in a super-careful, politically correct world, someone was going to say to you: “Here. Do this. Shut up and do it. Stop complaining. You might suck at it. So what. Work your weaknesses. Nobody is f***ing perfect all the time.” And you liked that idea. It was rough and sexy. The gym was hot in a badboy way again. And it made you a better athlete, and a better person. You joined because you were sick of not being as strong as you believed you could be. Physically, mentally, emotionally. So, be strong now. In fact, be strong when faced with anything and everything in your life. And tackle that sh**. Stop bitching and do work.” – CrossFit Lisbeth We installed the new PR Bell Friday afternoon, and we've already had a handful of people use it to celebrate their successes - Bob got his first unassisted pull-up; Jason Pepin hit 10 unbroken kipping pull-ups; Charlotte made her way across the monkey bars; and Holland reached her assisted HSPU goal! For those of you unaware of the PR Bell's function, it's there to help you celebrate the moment each time you hit a 'Personal Record.' Give it a ring when you hit a new max weight on a lift, master a new skill, or PR on a workout time. Each of you have made huge gains with your strength and fitness, so this bell should be ringing off the hook! Who's next? Strength & Conditioning: 5 Rounds 7 Bears (95/65#) 10 Sit-ups 1 Bear = Power Clean Front Squat Push Press Back Squat Push Press *Compare to 6-2-12 Another great weekend with an awesome group of people. THANK YOU all so much for giving 100% effort, sticking around to support your fellow athletes, cheering for each other, being judges, and just being a wonderful community overall. We are so proud of you guys - you're ROCKING these workouts! Strength: 20-rep Back Squats Conditioning: EMOM for 10 minutes 5 C2B Pull-Ups ME DUs in remaining time Not only do we have a new PR bell, more floor mats, and the new "bobsled" addition to the gym, but it's also time for the CrossFit Open 13.2 workout! What a way to kick-start the weekend! 10 min AMRAP 5 Shoulder-to-overhead (115/75#) 10 Deadlifts 15 Box Jumps (24/20") HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Seth Brink! No, these are not your birthday presents (sorry)...nor was there a bobsled on the skid yesterday (good guesses, though). Maybe we'll open all the boxes, work some magic, and have the surprise ready for the 6 p.m. class? Fingers crossed, everyone! Strength: Hang Power Snatch Conditioning: 8 min AMRAP 5 Push Press (95/65#) 10 Deadlift 15 Box Jumps (24/20") ...or practice and mobility for tomorrow's competition. Well, well, well...what do we have here? Anyone care to guess what new toy(s) might be hiding under that gorgeous wrapping paper? Strength: Overhead Squats Conditioning: 15-12-9 KB Swings (53/35#) Burpees TNG Deadlifts (50%) We have a new 101 group starting tonight, so please take a moment to say hello to the new folks as you wrap up class. Also, the next workout for the CrossFit Open will be announced at 7 p.m....and......drumroll......we have someone ready to tackle it shortly after the announcement! Feel free to stick around to cheer, help judge, learn, etc. YAY for Wednesdays (well, the next four anyway)! Strength: Power Clean Conditioning: 5 Rounds 5 Pistols 7 Push/Split Jerks (70%) 15 Pull-Ups
WOW - the community spirit at CrossFit Hermitage came out in full force this weekend. It was amazing to watch all of our competitors pour their hearts into the workout, and we send a huge "thank you" to everyone who helped judge and who stuck around to cheer for your CFH family members. You guys all ROCK! Strength: EMOM for 10 minutes 3 Deadlifts at 80% Conditioning: 8 min AMRAP 10 Wall Ball (20/14#) 10 Box Jumps (24/20") 10 T2B CrossFit Open Workout 13.1 In 17:00 complete as much of this list as possible: 40 Burpees (touching a target 6" above your reach) 30 Snatch (75/45#) 30 Burpees (touching a target 6" above your reach) 30 Snatch (135/75#) 20 Burpees (touching a target 6" above your reach) 30 Snatch (165/100#) 10 Burpees (touching a target 6" above your reach) AMRAP Snatch (210/120#)
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018