Remember - no structured class today; open hours from 6-9 a.m. and again from 5:30 - 7 p.m. Happy Halloween!
![]() Last night's Halloween WOD was a FANTASTIC time! We love that you guys were such good sports and jumped in on the fun...and to those who went above and beyond...kudos. We're still belly laughing! Remember - no structured class today; open hours from 6-9 a.m. and again from 5:30 - 7 p.m. Happy Halloween! ![]() Please help us send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Vanessa Hatton today! REMEMBER: we are only having one class today (6:30 p.m.) & costumes are a must. We can't wait to see what everyone shows up with! "Katrina" 50 Box Jumps (24/20") 50 Burpees 50 Deadlift (~40%) 50 Wall Ball (20/14") 50 MB Cleans *compare to 10-26-13 or 1-19-13 ![]() Today's workout: 3 sets 4 Clean & Jerk @ 85% Rest :60 3 Wall Walks Rest :60 :30 Right Side Plank :30 Left Side Plank Rest :60 8-10 Strict Pull-ups Rest :60 ![]() Strength: Front Squats Conditioning: 2 Rounds 1:00 Push-Ups :30 Rest 1:00 Squats :30 Rest 1:00 KB Swings (55/35#) :30 Rest 1:00 WB Sit-Ups :30 Rest ![]() Strength: Snatch Conditioning: 3 Rounds 15 Deadlift 12 Hang Power Clean 9 Front Squat 6 Push Press / Jerk *use same bar for all movements (RX = 135/95#) ![]() It's time to team up and work in groups of three today. Team member work/rest details are on the whiteboard...and I hope we can stay a little more "with it" than these guys! 20:00 AMRAP 10 Goblet Hold, Alternating Reverse Lunges 10 Burpees ![]() "What you ALLOW is what will CONTINUE." Think about that - you have total control over your decisions, your reactions, your life, your destiny. You are empowered and encouraged to go BE YOU. Happy Friday! Strength: Clean & Jerk Conditioning: 5 sets, each for time 10 DB Ground-to-OH 10 Box Jumps (24/20") 10 Alternating Pistols ![]() Please help us welcome our newest CFH athletes to the family! Suzanne Nordman and Charlie Dawson just finished the 101 program last night so you'll see them in group classes soon. Today's workout: 5 sets 3:00 AMRAP 20 Pull-ups 30 Push-ups 40 Sit-ups 50 Squats *Rest 3:00 after each set; pickup next set where you left off. ![]() Please help us send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Trina DuBose today! Strength: Snatch Conditioning: 5 sets (:60 work / :60 rest) During each :60 work set, complete 10 KB Swings (55/35#) then max Thrusters (95/65#) in the remaining time. Rest :60 after each :60 work set Score = Total Thrusters ![]() Please help us send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Tressa Buschert AND Oma Aladi today! Strength: Front Squats Conditioning: 4 sets :45 Reverse Alternate Lunges (135/95#) :45 Rest :45 Strict Chin-ups :45 Rest *compare to 6-25-14 ![]() You guys really are #thebestcommunityonthefreakingplanet - THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! We had a blast at Saturday's Barbells for Boobs event and raised more than $2,000 for the cause! If you didn't donate yet, please do it today - http://ow.ly/C5avY so we can help even more men and women get properly screened for the early detection of breast cancer. EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO KNOW. Strength: Deadlift Conditioning: 4 Rounds 10 Hang Power Snatch (115/75#) 15 Box Jumps (24/20") ![]() IT'S HERE! IT'S HERE! Today is our annual Barbells for Boobs event! We raised $1,700 in 2012, and we raised $2,500 last year. We NEED YOUR HELP to beat that number and reach our $3,000 goal this year. PLEASE DONATE TODAY: http://ow.ly/C5avY. It's NOT too late to make your donation...throw together a pink outfit...and come in for a fun workout with a great group of people! Remember - minimum $20 donation required to workout with us today. Warm-ups will start at 9:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m, 10:00 a.m., and 10:30 a.m. Pick a time and come on in! "Helen" 3 Rounds Run 400m 21 KB Swings (55/35#) 12 Pull-Ups "Grace" 30 Clean & Jerks for time (135/95#) First-time CrossFitters will ONLY complete "Helen" and will scale the movements to the appropriate level. Current CrossFitters have the option of completing one or both benchmark WODs. Details on the whiteboard. ![]() Will YOU help us reach our fundraising goal for TOMORROW'S "Barbells for Boobs" event? All donations are appreciated, be it $10, $50, $100 or more! Please consider making a donation TODAY...and if it's $20 or more, come in tomorrow morning for a fun workout...all for a great cause! Strength: Snatch Conditioning: 4 Rounds 10 Wall Ball (20/14#) 10 Push-Ups *compare to 4-24-14 ![]() TWO MORE DAYS until our 3rd annual "Barbells for Boobs" fundraiser and we NEED YOUR HELP to reach our goal. Please consider making a donation TODAY...and if it's $20 or more, come by for a fun workout on Saturday...all for a great cause! Strength: Deadlift Conditioning: 7:00 AMRAP 30 DUs 20 Lunge Steps 10 T2B ![]() THIS SATURDAY is our 3rd annual "Barbells for Boobs" fundraiser and we need your help to reach our goal. Please consider making a donation TODAY...and if it's $20 or more, come by for a fun workout on 10/18...all for a great cause! Strength: Clean & Jerk Conditioning: EMOM 16 Minute 1 = 7 Burpees Minute 2 = 5 Power Cleans (60%) Continue the cycle... ![]() It's almost here! THIS SATURDAY is our 3rd annual "Barbells for Boobs" fundraiser and we need your help to reach our goal. Please consider making a donation TODAY...and if it's $20 or more, come by for a fun workout on 10/18...all for a great cause! Strength: Turkish Get Ups Conditioning: 12:00 AMRAP 6 HSPU 12 Russian KB Swings 15 V-Ups ![]() Lots of reasons for a HAPPY MONDAY: we wrapped up a fantastic six-week competition Friday night; our next 101 class starts tonight; and we're hosting our 3rd annual "Barbells for Boobs" event this Saturday. Spread the word, get those donations in, and smile...we're working together to change people's lives! Strength: Front Squats Conditioning/Skill: 3 sets, NFT 3 Wall Walks 10 Tall Box Jumps 10 Hanging L-Raises :30 Caveman Squat ![]() HUGE, HUGE, HUGE kudos to every single athlete in our "Friday Night Lights" competition. We loved watching you guys grow, learn, and even hit a few PRs over the past six weeks. CFH peeps really are the BEST in town! Today's Workout: "The Vanquish WOD" (from our friends at Vanquish Olympic Weightlifting) :30 Front Squats (135/75#) :30 Strict Pull-ups :30 Double-Unders Stop when you reach 100 Front Squats or the clock hits 20:00 *compare to 11-2-13 ![]() Tonight's the night - our FINAL Friday Night Lights event! Regular class at 6 p.m. then the competition starts at 7:15 p.m. We'll crown the overall winners and start the socializing by 8 p.m. Come on over! Strength: 1RM Deadlift THEN Skill work and Mobility ![]() Our Halloween WOD is exactly THREE WEEKS away. Get those wheels turning for costume ideas and start planning now. Remember - we'll only have one class that night (6:30 p.m.). Can't wait to see what you guys and ghouls (too early?) come up with! Strength: Find 1RM OH Squat Conditioning: 4 sets, NFT 8 Push Press (115/75#) Rest :60 10 Supine Ring Rows Rest :60 20 KB Swings (55/35#) Rest :60 |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018