| HUGE congrats go out to Holly Jones today. This gal just tackled her first workout exactly as it was prescribed (or "RX" as we say) last night. Yep, that's kind of a big deal. She certainly earned her gold stars on this one! Today's workout: 5 sets: 10 Russian KB Swings (55/35#) 1 Strict Press 15 Russian KB Swings 2 Strict Press 25 Russian KB Swings 3 Strict Press 50 Russian KB Swings REST :60 |
![]() It's time to get out of that comfort zone! If you're looking to try something new (+ proven), call us today - let's talk about the options. If you're one of our local or remote athletes already, how about dialing in your nutrition, or focusing on a new skill, or increasing your attendance? Let's chat & see what we can tackle together: 615-496-4080. Strength: Pause Front Squats Conditioning: 15:00 AMRAP 9 Deadlifts (155/100#) 12 Push-ups 15 Box Jumps (24/20") *compare to 2-2-16; 12-29-14; Open 11.2 ![]() Grab a workout partner when you show up today - we'll pair up in class & tackle this one together. Yes, we're running at the end, so prepare with layers! For time: Row 1,000m 50 Pull-ups 100 KB Swings 100 Burpee Box Jump Overs 100 KB Swings 50 Pull-ups Run 400m *compare to 2-17-16 ![]() Meet Kat Armstrong, our very own Mighty Mouse. This beautiful woman works with children who are dealing with cancer, has a heart of gold, and always brings energy & fun to our CFH family! In her own words..."What CrossFit Hermitage has given me is the success of sustainable weight loss! I have yo-yo dieted since my early teens. I was always able to lose weight, but then slowly and surely I would gain it back, sometimes more. Through the coaching, nutritional education, community and overall love of exercise that I have found at CFH, I've been able to maintain my weight loss for 3 years!! I now love my body and don't obsess over the scale!" Today's Workout: Strength: Push Press Conditioning: 10 Sets: 6 Power Cleans 4 Front Squats 2 Push Press ![]() Strength: Back Squats Conditioning: 12:00 AMRAP 10 Over-bar Burpees 8 Push Press (115/75#) 10 V-ups 8 KB Swings (70/44#) *compare to 12-5-16 ![]() Have you heard? We're hosing the FESTIVUS GAMES here at CrossFit Hermitage this year! This is a competition for novice, intermediate, and 45+ masters athletes (no elite athletes allowed) & it's a FUN, worldwide "feats of strength for the rest of us" day. It's goin' down April 22nd, 2017, but the workouts are already posted, REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW...AND...the first 15 Athletes to register will save $10 off their registration + score a free Athlete shirt! Festivusgames.com/register/11776/ Strength: Cleans Conditioning: Cleans & Squats
Today's workout...
Strength: Snatch Conditioning: 10 HSPU + 50 Squats 8 HSPU + 50 Push-ups 6 HSPU + 50 Hollow Rocks 4 HSPU + 50 Arch Rocks 2 HSPU + 50 Lunge Steps *compare to 2-18-16 ![]() Happy Monday everyone! We're going into the higher-volume portion of our training cycle, so now's the time to really dial in that nutrition that may have been lacking a little around the holidays. Let us know what questions you have & we'll look at the best way to get you back on track (and maybe even astonish yourself)! Strength: Deadlift Conditioning: 12:00 AMRAP 5 DB Man Makers 10 Box Jumps (24/20") 15 WB Sit-ups (20/14#) ![]() 5 sets, each for time: 10 Thrusters (135/95#) 20 C2B 30 Russian KB Swings 40 DU Rest 4:00 after each set *compare to 1-9-16; 1-10-15 ![]() We're happy to announce that today is Josh's last day with us! Sounds weird, right? Ok, ok, we can explain...Josh came to us so we could help him prepare for his upcoming training to become a Tennessee State Trooper. He started with personal training, jumped into group classes, and now he's ready to begin the next phase of his professional career with the Tennessee Highway Patrol. We're super proud of the work he's put in & we know he'll keep us all safe out there! Strength: OH Squat Conditioning: 3 Rounds 10 Push Press (115/75#) 14 Front-rack Reverse lunge steps 20 Russian twist/side ![]() Please help us welcome these three gals as the newest members of our CFH family! They just graduated our 101 class and they're ready to roll into regular classes. From left: Jennifer, Cynthia, Lisa. Strength: Floor Press Conditioning: 8 Rounds 12 Deadlifts 6 Back Squats ![]() We LOVE data...and we completely agree with Peter Drucker's quote “What gets measured gets improved”...so it's time for our next "TESTING DAY"! We'll do lots of different moves for lots of different time domains and capture lots of different data points today. Let's see how much you've improved over time, give you some ideas to work on during the next Open Gym, and maybe provide some of you targets for your Q1 goals. Details along with previous testing dates for the various movements are on the whiteboard. See you soon! ![]() Please help us welcome Amanda Fox as the newest member of our CFH family! We love that she serves our community as an officer with the Metro Nashville Police Department (so y'all behave), and we're thrilled to provide the training she needs to be the BEST at her job. Welcome to the team! Strength: Snatch & dips Conditioning: Power cleans, DUs, and bar hops ![]() "If you can't fly...run. If you can't run...walk. If you can't walk...crawl. But by all means keep moving." -Martin Luther King, Jr. Strength: Front Squat + Jerk Conditioning: 10:00 AMRAP 6 T2B 9 OH Squats (95/65#) 12 KB Swings (55/35#) ![]() It's time to sign up for the 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games "Open"! Registration opened a few days ago & it's time to get serious (or have a ton of fun....either way). Today we're going to tackle Ben Bergeron's "Open Test" workout. 20:00 AMRAP (score = total reps) 50 WB (20/14#) & 50 DU 40 Box Jumps (24/20") & 40 T2B 30 C2B & 30 Burpees 20 Power Cleans (145/100#) & 20 Jerks 10 Power SN & 10 MU As always, additional details and scaling options are on the board. ![]() Today is Friday Funday here at CFH, so you get some "open gym" time to do what you wish...make up a missed lift from earlier in the week, work on a skill, do your pull-up or push-up homework, re-do a benchmark workout that you love....whatever. As always, be safe & ENJOY! Hours today: 6-11am & 5-7:30pm ![]() Today's the day - registration for this year's Reebok CrossFit Games "Open" is...well....NOW OPEN! Jump in on the fun with this 5-week, worldwide CrossFit competition for everyone in the world – truly open to all. Of course, the top athletes and teams in each region advance to Regionals, and the best athletes at Regionals move on to compete at “The CrossFit Games”...but we're just here for the party, so sign up & let's have some fun with it! http://games.crossfit.com/about-the-games/the-open Strength: 1RM Deadlift...then some stretches ![]() Strength: 1RM Press Conditioning: "Leg Matrix" (complete the list before the time cap) 30 Squats 24 Lunge Steps 24 Jumping Lunges 30 Squat Jumps *compare to 7-13-16 THEN 3:00 Push-up Challenge (*9-7-16) ![]() Have you heard? We're hosing the FESTIVUS GAMES here at CrossFit Hermitage this year! This is a competition for novice, intermediate, and 45+ masters athletes (no elite athletes allowed) & it's a FUN, worldwide "feats of strength for the rest of us" day. It's goin' down April 22nd, 2017, but the workouts are already posted, REGISTRATION IS OPEN NOW...AND...the first 15 Athletes to register will save $10 off their registration + score a free Athlete shirt! Festivusgames.com/register/11776/ Strength: 1RM Back Squat Conditioning: "Annie" 50-40-30-20-10 DU Sit-ups *compare to 9-21-16
Today's CrossFit Workout...
Strength: 1RM Clean & Jerk Conditioning: 5:00 AMRAP of Max Thrusters @ 50-60% of today's 1RM Clean *compare to 7-14-16 |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018