Strength: Front Squats
Run 800m for time
Tabata Squats
Tabata Sit-Ups
Run 800m for time
Huge thank-you to Ryan for coaching all the classes Tuesday night...huge congrats to Holland Marie for a successful CD launch party (and we know there's MUCH more success in this lady's future)...and huge kudos to EVERYONE who showed up for yesterday's hero WOD. It was a tough one and you all overcame! Strength: Front Squats Conditioning: Run 800m for time Tabata Squats Tabata Sit-Ups Run 800m for time It's official...Double Under Seminar...CrossFit Hermitage...February...BE THERE! We are thrilled to welcome Melly Metz and her awesome company, JumpNRope, to the box...and we know you will have a blast with this hands-on learning experience!
Strength: Floor Press Conditioning: Tabata Squats Tabata Push-Ups Tabata Sit-Ups Please help us welcome the most recent graduates of our 101 program to the CFH family. This group is super talented and we can't wait to see what they bring to the group out, gang! Strength: OH Squats Conditioning: Tabata stuff HUGE KUDOS to Leigh Ann Pepin for getting her first strict pull-up last night! What's YOUR goal? How close are you to reaching that goal? Put it on the board and let us help you create a plan to get there! Strength: OH Lunges Conditioning: "Tabata Something Else" 4 complete Tabata cycles back-to-back: pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups, and squats It's the beginning of a new month, and you know what that means...goals, goals, goals! Set your one, small, achievable goal for March and let us know what it is before Friday. Don't forget about your January and February goals, though - be sure to keep practicing those skills, stick with your newly created good habits, and continue to avoid those old habits you've already broken. Strength: Turkish Get-Ups Skill: Overhead Squats Conditioning: Tabata Grasshoppers Please help us send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Will Griffith! Even though he's out celebrating (better still be Paleo) and is probably not coming in tonight, let's celebrate on our own - Tabata style. Strength: Push Press Conditioning: Tabata Squats Tabata Push-Ups Tabata Sit-Ups Tabata Lunges
Snatch-Grip Push Press (5-5-5+) Conditioning: Tabata Squats Rest 1 min Tabata Push-Ups Rest 1 min Tabata Sit-Ups *Compare to 7-30-12
LIFT: Find your 1RM Deadlift MetCon: Tabata Squats Rest 1 minute Tabata Push-Ups Rest 1 minute Tabata Sit-Ups LIFT: Power Clean (5-5-5+) MetCon: Tabata Box Jumps & Tabata Push-Ups You asked for it, you got it! Our first-ever Paleo Challenge is coming soon. Here's the skinny:
CONGRATULATIONS to Jennifer Smith! She has now officially graduated from our CrossFit 101 class and is ready to play with the big dogs in our regular group class. You should've seen the effort she put into last night's WOD - beautiful! LIFT: Deadlift (5-5-5) Skill Work: Turkish Get-Up Practice MetCon: Tabata Squats & Tabata Sit-Ups SCHEDULING NOTES: We have a great workout planned for Saturday and we're going to run everyone in please be prepared to stay a few minutes longer than usual. Don't forget, it's your job to cheer for your fellow CFH athletes when you're not busting your own tail out there! REMINDER: we will be closed Monday, January 2 and will re-open with our usual class hours on Tuesday, January 3. |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018