Run 1200m
63 KB Swings (55/35#)
36 Pull-Ups
Run 800m
42 KB Swings
24 Pull-Ups
Run 400m
21 KB Swings
12 Pull-Ups
![]() A play on the original "Helen," today's fun is "Chasing Helen" Run 1200m 63 KB Swings (55/35#) 36 Pull-Ups Run 800m 42 KB Swings 24 Pull-Ups Run 400m 21 KB Swings 12 Pull-Ups
REMINDER: Closed July 1 - 6; back to normal class hours July 8.![]() A photo from the vault...just because. Strength: Front Squats Conditioning: 5 min AMRAP 10 MB Cleans (20/14#) 10 Push-Ups REMINDER: Closed July 1 - 6; back to normal class hours July 8. ![]() SCHEDULE NOTE: We will be closed Monday, July 1 through Saturday, July 6 and will reopen with normal class hours on Monday, July 8. Don't worry - we'll post workouts for you to tackle while we're gone...and we expect full reports on the Facebook page, too! Speaking of reporting back - how are those June goals coming along?!? Strength: Good Mornings Conditioning: Deadlift 10,000 pounds for time *details are on the whiteboard ![]() Don't forget - we have a number of helpful resources to help you stay on track and make it easy to eat clean. Take advantage - no excuses!
Strength: OH Squats Conditioning: "Fran" 21-15-9 Thrusters (96/65#) Pull-Ups *compare to 2-14-13 ![]() Please help us send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Coach Brandi today! Rumor has it Tom is going to coach the 6 a.m. class so she can sleep in today...but she's coaching the other classes and plans to jump into the Met-Con with you guys and gals in the 7 p.m. class. Strength: Jerk Conditioning: 4 Rounds 3 Power Cleans (95/65#) 6 Toes-to-Bar 9 Jumping Lunges 12 Squats *compare to 6-23-12 ![]() Please help us welcome the newest members of our CrossFit Hermitage family - they just graduated the 101 class last night and they're ready to jump in the deep end! From left: back row - Jayson and Robert; middle row - Chris and Justin; front row - Meghen, Katelin, Grace, Tameeka, Lisa, and Ashley. 5 Rounds Sprint 200m ME UB Thrusters (115/75#) Rest 1:1
![]() Please help us welcome Mark Skinner! He joined through personal training sessions and is now jumping into the group classes as well. Be sure to show him the ropes and give him a big CFH welcome when you see him. Strength: Front Squats Conditioning: 10 min AMRAP 15 T2B 20 Double-Unders 25 Lunges ![]() We have another birthday to celebrate this week - help us send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to one of our recent 101 graduates, Mary Parker! Don't forget - if you want us to order a specific PROGENEX flavor for you, or you want to try any of their new products, let us know TODAY before we place our next order. ...AND...we just confirmed that you can still sign up for the CSA and have a box of vegetables delivered to CFH each Tuesday night. The great folks at Southland Farms will pro-rate the cost and would love to help more CrossFit Hermitage family members eat local and clean! Strength: Jerk Conditioning: 4 Rounds 15 Push-Ups 15 KB Swings (55/35#) Rest 1:1 ![]() Please help us send big HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Casey Bass today. Cheers to you, sir. Enjoy your day! Strength: Snatch Conditioning: 8 min AMRAP 20 Squat Clean to Overhead (115/75#) 20 Burpees ![]() What a FANTASTIC weekend! The group pictured here tackled a beat-down WOD to wrap up the clinic...and survived it! Kudos to everyone who attended - you guys are taking your training to the next level and we see many, many PRs in your future. Strength: OH Squats Conditioning: EMOM for 10 minutes 3 Deadlifts (70-80%) 5 Tuck Jumps ![]() NO REGULAR CLASS TODAY. We are holding a private Olympic Lifting clinic this weekend. It's going to be a beautiful day, so get outside and enjoy the weather! Walk the Greenway; run a few sprint intervals in your neighborhood; go swim laps or ride a bike; or check out The Traveling WOD website for other at-home workouts. See you again Monday! ![]() It's time to place our next order of PROGENEX products. If you'd like to order a specific flavor, or you want to try a new product (Muscle, Recovery, Omega+, Cocoon, or Force), let us know by Tuesday and we'll include it in the order so you can save shipping costs. If you don't know about PROGENEX yet, go HERE and click the "learn more" option for each product to see what it can do for your recovery, sleep, performance, and muscle mass. We chose to partner with PROGENEX because we feel strongly about their products and we've seen amazing results produced throughout the CrossFit community. DON'T FORGET - NO REGULAR CLASS TOMORROW. We are holding a private Olympic Lifting clinic on Saturday and Sunday. Conditioning: For time, complete the following list using (95/65#) 20 Thrusters 20 SDHP 20 Push Jerk 20 OH Squats 20 Front Squats *While you're working through the list, stop EMOM and complete 4 Burpees ![]() Big HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Kelsey Gares today! UPCOMING SCHEDULE CHANGES: No regular classes this Saturday, June 15. We are hosting a private Olympic Lifting Clinic all weekend. We will be CLOSED JULY 1 - JULY 6. Strength: Sumo Deadlift Conditioning: 15-12-9 One-arm DB snatch (heavy) Pull-ups
![]() You should already have your monthly goal for June in mind, so be sure to write your name on the board and tell us what it is today/tomorrow. REMINDER: OLYMPIC LIFTING CLINIC THIS WEEKEND. We are bringing in an awesome Oly coach from San Diego to host a two-day Olympic Lifting Clinic that includes an individual analysis for each registered athlete this Saturday and Sunday, June 15-16. Whether you've been with us for a while or you're just getting started, there is GREAT VALUE in spending the weekend focusing on your technique. It will - without question - improve your snatch, clean, and jerk! If you can only make one day of the clinic, don't let that stop you - details, cost options, and registration can be found HERE. Strength: Snatch Conditioning: 5 Rounds 5 Push Press (115/75#) 7 OH Lunges 9 Pull-Ups *Compare to 10-2-12 ![]() This thing is worn out! You guys ROCKED IT this week with a bunch of PRs and decreased Met-Con times (see....those journals ARE important). Congrats to each of you for pushing through and reaching new levels! REMINDER: WE ARE CLOSED TODAY AND TOMORROW. Catch the CrossFit Games Central East Regional competition online at Games.CrossFit.com. We'll re-open Monday with regular class times. REMINDER: OLYMPIC LIFTING CLINIC NEXT WEEKEND. We are bringing in an awesome Oly coach from San Diego to host a two-day Olympic Lifting Clinic that includes an individual analysis for each athlete. Whether you've been with us for a while or you're just getting started, there is GREAT VALUE in spending the weekend focusing on your technique. It will - without question - improve your snatch, clean, and jerk! If you can only make one day of the clinic, don't let that stop you - details, cost options, and registration can be found HERE. It's been a tough week, and your body would appreciate the recovery...but if you just can't sit still, check out The Traveling WOD website for some great at-home workouts. Here are a few of our favorites. 6 Rounds For Time: 10 Pushups; 10 Air Squats; 10 Sit Ups OR 10 Rounds for Time: 100m sprints OR Complete 100 Burpees for Time (YAY BURPEES!) ![]() SCHEDULE NOTE: TODAY IS THE LAST DAY OF CLASSES FOR THE WEEK! We are closed Friday and Saturday as we head to Ohio for the CrossFit Games Regional competition. Next weekend, we're bringing in an awesome Oly coach from San Diego to host a two-day Olympic Lifting Clinic that includes an individual analysis for each athlete. Whether you've been with us for a while or you're just getting started, there is GREAT VALUE in spending the weekend really focusing on your technique. It will - without question - improve your snatch, clean, and jerk! (Note: if you can only make one day of the clinic, don't let that stop you from signing up. Just let us know and we can adjust the registration fee for you). Details and registration can be found here: http://www.crossfithermitage.com/olyclinic.html. Strength: Find 1RM Clean Conditioning: 20-15-10-5 Thrusters (95/65#) Chin-Ups Push-Ups |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018