This is it - only a few days left in good ole' 2016! Was it everything you hoped it would be? Did you accomplish what you thought you would? If not....why? Let's look at what might've held you back, get rid of those obstacles, and get ready to tackle 2017 head on! We're here to help: goal setting, 1:1 meetings with your coach, nutrition advice, lifestyle guidance, and more. When you win, we win...and we plan on 2017 being *our* best year yet! Strength: Deadlift Conditioning: 7:00 AMRAP 5 Box Jumps (24/20") 7 Push-ups 9 MB Wood Chops/side (20/14#) REMINDER: Closed Monday, 1/2/17 Big kudos go out to Alexie Smith today - he finished the Concept 2 rowing challenge last week by rowing MORE THAN 100,000 meters in less than 30 days....Superman style, of course! WHEW! Strength: Press Conditioning: 4 Rounds 10 T2B 20 Dips 30 KB Swings (55/35#) REMINDER: Closed Monday, 1/2/17 Christmas is over and it's time to get back on track...but that doesn't mean we can't have FUN while we're at it! It's been a while since we've busted out the Nerf some of you might not know what this is all about. You'll just have to show up to find out! #funtimesahead #anniegetyourgun Strength: Clean & Jerk Conditioning: NERF WOD! REMINDER: Closed Monday, 1/2/17 Go a little overboard during the holiday? Ready to get back on track? Wanna start the New Year with some awesome people & *finally* see the results you've been looking for? Well then, come see us! Strength: Back Squats Conditioning: 5 Rounds for time 7 Bear Complex + 10 Sit-ups NOTE: 1 "Bear" = power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press REMINDER: Closed Monday, 1/2/17 It's time for this year's 8 Days of Hanukkah workout! Remember, we can scale the weight, rounds, and movements as needed once you get to class today. ENJOY! 8 Rounds... 8 Shoulder-to-OH (115/75) 8 T2B 8 Squat Jumps 8 Power Cleans 8 Lateral Bar Hops 8 Push-ups 8 Lunges 8 V-ups *compare to 12-12-15; 12-24-14 REMINDER: Closed Monday, 12/26
Today's CrossFit workout:
20:00 AMRAP 50 Wall Ball (20/14#) 40 KB Swings (55/35#) 30 Burpees 20 Pull-ups 5 Slam Ball-over-shoulder (heavy) REMINDER: Closed Monday, 12/26 Ok, gang - it's time to check out our annual Holiday Survival Guide so you can survive the upcoming crazy 'tis-the-season week(s)! Instead of using an all-or-nothing approach this season, how about setting some realistic goals and maybe even a few small limits when it comes to 'cheat meals' and alcohol? You can totally do this & we're here to help! Read more... Today's Workout: Strength: Press Conditioning: "Flight Simulator" *compare to 8-11-16; 3-31-16 REMINDER: Closed Monday, 12/26 Are you keeping up with the Santa Squat Challenge? It's a GREAT way to stay on track through the holidays. If you haven't started yet, that's ok! You can always use today as "day 1" and end on January 9. #noexcuses Strength: Back Squat Conditioning/Skill: Max L-sit on parallettes THEN EMOM 12 A = 8 T2B B = :30 HS Hold C = 10 Decline Push-ups (+- weight) What a way to wrap up Member Appreciation week! Emily Gillis (17-year gymnast and current gymnastics coach) came to us and hosted a FANTASTIC gymnastics clinic for our CFH athletes and we....had....a....blast! Lots of knowledge bombs, a few PRs, and tons of skills to practice in the coming weeks. Strength: Deadlift Conditioning/skill: 5 sets, NFT 1 Snatch 5 OH Squats 5 Superman 10 Hollow Rocks 15 Russian Twists
Regular class schedule today...PLUS...we're wrapping up Member Appreciation Week with a Gymnastics Clinic at 10:30am (FREE for CFH athletes). Today's Class Workout is a TEAM workout: 200 Lunge steps 100 Burpees 60 T2B 50 Box Jumps 40 KB Swings 50 Box Jumps 60 T2B 100 Burpees 200 Lunge steps We're winding down Member Appreciation week with our "Friends & Family Friday" - grab a buddy and come to ANY scheduled class today! Let's kick off the weekend & show 'em how it's done around here. We're also giving everyone a taste of SFH fish oil after the workout (because we believe everyone should take a quality fish oil supplement)...and those who bring in a pal are entered into the daily raffle! Strength: Press Conditioning: 4 Rounds (3:00 on / 1:00 off) 5 Pull-ups (+- weight) 10 Push-ups 15 Squats (+- weight) Ok, humpday is now in the past...but that's not nearly far enough back. We've got Throwback Thursday for Member Appreciation Week today...and we're taking it back to the 80s! Grab the neon, add some hair spray, be sure you have enough flair...and come in for some fun (+ enter your name in today's raffle for one of the Reebok duffle bags). Strength: Clean & Jerk Conditioning / skill: Wall Walks, T2B, Man Makers Guess what day it is. Guess what day it is. It's Twinsday Wednesday for Member Appreciation's our "12 Days of Christmas" workout. Everyone will be treated to yummy RX Bar samples, and if you dress like your gym BFF today you'll get a raffle ticket for the daily giveaway! "12 Days of Christmas" (complete just like the song: 1, then 2 & 1, then 3 & 2 & 1, etc) 1 - Deadlift (275/185#) 2 - HSPU 3 - Ring Dips 4 - Pull-ups 5 - Push-ups 6 - Box Jumps (24/20") 7 - Wall Ball (24/20") 8 - KB Swings (55/35#) 9 - Sit-ups 10 - Squats 11 - Weighted Lunges (25/15#) 12 - Burpees It's Tank Top Tuesday for Member Appreciation Week - we don't need the sun to bring the guns out around here! We're treating everyone to Progenex Samples post workout...and those who dress the part will be entered into today's raffle! Strength: Back Squats Conditioning/Skill: 4 sets, NFT 2 TGU/side 5 strict HSPU 10 Alt. Pistols *compare to 12-11-15 It's MEMBER APPRECIATION WEEK here at CrossFit Hermitage, and today is "Pajama Monday". We've got FREE coffee, donuts, and donut holes for everyone...and those who wear the PJs will be entered into a drawing for a coffee gift card. Happy Monday! Strength: Deadlift Conditioning: 4 Rounds 20 Wall Ball (20/14#) 20 Push-ups Let's revisit an oldie but a goodie from the 2012 Open, shall we? 18:00 AMRAP 15 Box Jumps (24/20") 12 Push Press (115/75#) 9 T2B *compare to 6-25-16; 10-24-15; 2-16-13; CF Open 12.3 |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018