4 Rounds
Run 200m
10 Box Jumps (24/20")
15 Russian Sit-Ups (25/15#)
Today is the last day to hit those April goals - be sure to check in and let us know how you did...and start thinking about your goals for next month. Strength: Deadlift Conditioning: 4 Rounds Run 200m 10 Box Jumps (24/20") 15 Russian Sit-Ups (25/15#) DING, DING, DING, DING, DING, DING, DING, DING! So many of you hit new PRs on your lifts this weekend as we worked through the CrossFit Total - CONGRATULATIONS! Strength: Press Conditioning: 3 Rounds (1 round includes both two-minute AMRAPs below) 2 min AMRAP 20 Jumping Lunges 10 HR Push-Ups 10 Pull-Ups 2 min AMRAP ME UB Power Cleans (75%) Today's the day - it's time to test THREE of your one-rep maxes! We're going to test Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift in that order. Rules and format are listed on the whiteboard, and a chart to help you is listed on the left here. Get your mind right, visualize each lift, and come show us what you've got! CrossFit Total: 1RM for your Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. Let's rock 'n roll! HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! Some of you were in class when she announced, but we now have the go-ahead to share the news publicly: Cathy Del Rio is pregnant and is now "WOD'N FOR 2"...what a cute and creative way to announce the big news to her CrossFit family. Congratulations again, momma! Today we're going to work through the lifts and prime your body for tomorrow's CrossFit Total (back squat, press, deadlift). Then, of course, we'll have a quick Met-Con: 7 Rounds 7 Squats 7 Burpees Mark your calendars - CrossFit Total is this Saturday! We'll test your 1RM for Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift in that order. Eat right and get lots of sleep! Strength: Hang Power Clean + Front Squat + Push Press Conditioning: 3:00 cumulative squat hold 2:00 cumulative HS hold 1:00 cumulative chin-over-bar hold *compare to 4-3-12 There's exactly one week left in the month of April. How close are you to reaching your monthly goal? We saw James make his way across the monkey bars this morning (but didn't catch it on video); and we see a number of you practicing your pull-ups and double-unders after each class. Stay focused! Speaking of goals - put a note on your calendar for this Saturday; we're going to tackle the CrossFit Total and get your one-rep maxes for the Back Squat, Press, and Deadlift. Strength: OH Squats Conditioning: 4 Rounds 5 Clean & Jerks (95/65#) 10 Box Jumps (24/20") 15 KB Swings (55/35#) CONGRATULATIONS to another graduating 101 class! As these guys and gals enter the group classes, be sure to give them a big CFH family welcome. From left: Greg, Kent, Vamsee, Tyler, Ryan (in the back), Rainy, Tee-Cee; taking a knee in the front row: Jason and Katie. Strength: Push Jerk Conditioning: Beep Test (compare to 10-24-12) PARTNER WOD TODAY! Let's help Kelly & Alex "pack and move" to California with a little packing and moving of our own today. Don't forget about the going-away shindig...2 p.m. at the Hermitage O'Charley's. At 3-2-1-Go, you and your partner will move ALL of the equipment in your station across the gym to the platform where you will complete the following: 60 KB Swings 50 Partner Deadlifts (yes, both people on the bar at the same time) 40 Ground-to-Overhead 30 Plate Burpees 20 Box Jumps (alternate jumpers each time) After this list is complete, you will disassemble everything and move it back across the gym to your starting point. Your WOD is complete only when everything is back in its place exactly as you found it. Rules, weights, and further explanations are on the whiteboard. Don't forget - tomorrow is a PARTNER WOD. Pair up (by height would be a good idea) and come in ready to work! Also, the votes are in and 2 p.m. is the winning time for tomorrow's shindig. Let's meet at the Hermitage O'Charley's and spend some time with Kelly & Alex before they head back to California. Strength: Front Squats Conditioning: 10 min AMRAP 30 Double-Unders 15 Power Snatch (75/55#) I shared this AWESOME video with the Paleo Challenge group yesterday, and want you guys to see it as well - what a wonderful message. We always see the worst in ourselves...but that needs to stop. Take a minute to recognize the "positives" about you...whether that's your look, your style, your behavior, your drive, your just never know who you are going to inspire today!
Strength: Deadlifts Conditioning: 3 Rounds NOT FOR TIME 5 KB Windmills per arm 10 Barbell Roll-outs 15 Russian Twists We have another birthday to celebrate - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Darlene Oliver! If you ordered Bison, bring in your coolers and let's settle up this week. Don't forget about PaleoWorks, the veggie CSA, and the meat CSA options to make eating clean and healthy super easy for you! Last reminder - Partner WOD this Saturday, then a going-away shindig for Kelly at "Club O'Charleys" there! Strength: OH Squats Conditioning: For time, complete the following 30 Burpees 30 Wall Ball (20/14#) 30 KB Swings (55/35#) 30 Push Press (95/65#) 30 Pull-Ups Here it is...the perfect photo to help us say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this crazy gal. Send her as many well wishes as you can today, but don't feel obligated to dress in her honor. Don't forget - this Saturday is a partner WOD. Pair up and come in ready to work. We're also having Kelly's going-away gathering at O'Charleys that afternoon/evening. Cast your vote on the whiteboard to tell us what time you prefer to meet. Strength: Push Press Conditioning: 4 Rounds 5 Power Clean (135/95) 5 Front Squat 5 Push/Split Jerk Please mark your calendars - we have two fun things to note for this Saturday, April 20. First, we'll have a partner workout to help Kelly and Alex "pack and move" back to California. Pair up with anyone you'd like to work with; it's not imperative that you both be on the exact same level...male/female teams are completely fine, too. Next, we're planning to get together early that evening for a little good-bye shindig at "Club O'Charley's" in Hermitage (time TBD...maybe 5 p.m. or so). Strength: Cleans Conditioning: 4 Rounds Run 1 lap with plate (45/25#) 10 Ground-to-Overhead with plate 5 T2B If you signed up to go in on the group Bison order, bring your cooler at some point over the next few days to pick up your meat. Details are on the lobby table. Speaking of clean eating, the guys from TN Grass Fed Farm and Southland Farms CSA stopped by the box the other day to check in with us. If you plan to partake and enjoy weekly veggie deliveries and/or monthly meat deliveries directly to CFH, please contact them this week to get everything set up. Now...for today's workout: we hope you enjoyed the de-load week. Let's kick it back into gear with the "Filthy Fifty" WOD! For time, complete the following movements: 50 Box Jumps (24/20") 50 Pull-ups 50 KB Swings (35/25#) 50 Walking Lunges 50 K2E 50 Push Press (45/35#) 50 Back Extensions 50 Wall Ball (20/14#) 50 Burpees 50 Double-Unders Your Bison orders are almost ready! We picked everything up today and the freezer is full...we just need to inventory what we have so we can separate accordingly. Bring your coolers on Saturday (or anytime next week) to pick up the goods after class. Don't forget about PaleoWorks, the veggie CSA, and the Grass Fed beef CSA. If you want the easiest, most convenient way to eat clean, you need to call these vendors and get your accounts set up. Strength: Push/Split Jerk Conditioning: 3 Rounds (:40 on / :20 off) ME Pistols ME Sit-Ups ME Push-Ups Show some love to our Paleo Challenge peeps - they are in the homestretch and have less than 25 days left to finish their 90-day adventure! Whether you're in a strict Paleo window, eating about 80/20, or just learning about healthy nutrition...we could all use a reminder to eat clean. It's a process to dial in your nutrition and make the right decisions, but you owe it to your body to figure it out and provide the right fuel for your performance. Don't forget - we have three super easy methods of getting fresh, clean food delivered to you at the box: PaleoWorks, a veggie CSA, and a Grass Fed meat CSA. It doesn't get much easier! Strength: Back Squats Conditioning: 21-15-9 Deadlift (50%) Box Jumps (30/24") *compare to 11-20-12 Be sure to set your April goals before the end of the week...(and we still need to hear from a few of you regarding your March goals). Also, our April 101 class starts tonight, so please take a moment to say hello to the new guys and gals as you wrap up your own workout. Strength: Hang Squat Cleans Conditioning: Running Clock Pull-Ups *compare to 12-3-12 You guys come in here and work hard every day...but none of that matters if you don't eat healthy and fuel your body for the performance you're working so hard to achieve. We want to help and make it as easy as possible for each of you to eat healthy, so we now have THREE OPTIONS for whole, clean foods (aka Paleo) to be delivered to the box just for you! By now you should know about PaleoWorks: weekly pre-made Paleo meals delivered here every Monday morning. We are also happy to share details of a new vegetable CSA and a Grass Fed meat CSA. You can sign up for these services now and have bushels of veggies and assortments of frozen meat delivered HERE for you from May through October. Details are on the flyers in the lobby. Strength: Press Conditioning: EMOM for 12 minutes 3 Touch-and-Go Power Cleans (70%) Help us send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Jennifer Perrier today! Now that the CrossFit Open has wrapped up, we're going to take a step back and de-load your weight percentages this week. We want each of you to really, really, really listen to the cues and focus on form and technique as you work through this week's lifts. It will pay dividends as we start our next strength cycle. Strength: Snatch Conditioning: complete the following list for time Run 200m Then 3 rounds of: 30 Squats 20 Sit-ups 10 Burpees Finish with another 200m run |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018