Strength: Snatch
3 sets
:45 Nose-to-Wall HS Hold
40 DUs
:30 L-sits
This group. This group of people...competitors...challengers...(dare I say warriors?)...put forth one HECK of an effort over the last five weeks and WE ARE SO, SO PROUD of every single one of them! Lots of PRs, some great self-surprises, and plenty of good times. Be sure to congratulate these guys and gals when you see them next...and then make the decision to JOIN the fun next year. Until then, any interest in doing an in-house competition on Saturday, May 10? Strength: Snatch Conditioning/Skill: 3 sets :45 Nose-to-Wall HS Hold 40 DUs :30 L-sits THIS IS IT - the very last CrossFit Open competition weekend of 2014! Regular class is still at 9 a.m. and the competition heats start at 10:00 a.m. Stick around and cheer for your fellow CFH athletes...then of course, there's the COOKOUT immediately following! 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Thrusters (95/65#) Burpees Don't forget - our "End of the Open" Cookout is tomorrow immediately following the last workout heat! Here's the Facebook Event link. Invite your family, contribute to the food/drink offerings, bring your own chair, and HAVE FUN! Strength: Deadlifts Conditioning: 4 sets 10 T2B 8 Alternating Pistols/leg 10 Candlesticks *compare to 3-3-14 All active members should have received "the survey email" yesterday. Please let us know if you didn't...and please take a moment to complete the survey by this weekend. Thanks! Strength/Conditioning: 10:00 AMRAP 10 Over-Bar Burpees 8 Push Press (115/75#) 6 V-Ups 4 Jumping Lunges THEN 3 sets, each for time 10 Squat Cleans (135/95#) 10 Pull-ups Rest 2:00 between sets
Please help us send big ole' HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to TWO of our CFH family members today: Missy Sapp and Justin Day!
Strength: Front Squats Conditioning: 4:00 ME KB Swings (55/35#) 3:00 ME Box Jumps (24/20") 2:00 ME HSPU It's time for the next CrossFit Open competition weekend! Regular class is still at 9 a.m. where you'll do a workout similar to the one CrossFit HQ released for our CrossFit Open athletes. Competition heats start at 10:00 a.m. so stick around and cheer for your fellow CFH athletes, if you can! Don't forget - we're having an "End of the Open" cookout next Saturday immediately following the last CrossFit Open workout. Join the Facebook event page so we can talk details as the date nears. Regular Class Workout: Run 400m 50 T2B 40 Wall Ball (20/14#) 30 Cleans (135/95#) 20 Burpees 10 V-Ups *20:00 time cap Open Competitors, 14.4: 14:00 AMRAP 60-cal Row 50 T2B 40 Wall Ball (20/14#) 30 Cleans (135/95#) 20 MUs NOTE TO ALL DROP-IN OPEN COMPETITORS: YOU WILL BE PLACED IN THE LAST HEAT, WHICH WILL START AT 11:15 A.M....SHOW UP, WARM UP, PREP, ETC AS YOU PLEASE AND BE READY TO GO AT THAT TIME.
Don't forget - Central Pike will be closed at the railroad tracks again today! Use an alternate route. Strength: Push Press & Push Jerk AND Weighted Good Mornings Conditioning: 3 sets of Superman, Chinese Planks, and Bridge-Ups Don't forget - Central Pike will be closed at the railroad tracks today and tomorrow! Use an alternate route. Strength: Deadlifts Conditioning: 3:00 AMRAP 6 Thrusters (95/65#) 6 Box Jump Overs (24/20") 6 HR Push-ups THEN Rest 5:00 & Repeat 3:00 AMRAP Heads up - Central Pike will be closed at the railroad tracks tomorrow and Thursday! If you normally travel that route, plan some extra time to go around (Burpee penalty still applies). Strength: Clean + Front Squat Conditioning: 5 sets 5 Touch-and-Go Power Cleans (increase weight each set) Rest 2:00 Happy St. Paddy's Day...we think someone started celebrating a little early! You guys KNOW who this is, right? Strength / Skill: 3 sets, NFT 5 Wall Walks 10 Hollow Body Rocks 20 DUs Conditioning: 5 sets, each for time 150 Singles 12 Alternating Pistols 12 Pull-ups Rest :90 It's time for the next CrossFit Open competition weekend! Regular class is still at 9 a.m. where you'll do a workout similar to the one CrossFit HQ released for our CrossFit Open athletes. Competition heats start at 10:00 a.m. so stick around and cheer for your fellow CFH athletes! Regular Class Workout: 15:00 AMRAP 15 Deadlifts (185/135#) 15 Box Jumps (24/20") 15 Push-Ups Open Competitors, 14.3: 8:00 AMRAP 10 DLs (135/95#) 15 Box Jumps (24/20") 15 DLs (185/135#) 15 Box Jumps (24/20") 20 DLs (225/155#) 15 Box Jumps (24/20") 25 DLs (275/185#) 15 Box Jumps (24/20") 30 DLs (315/205#) 15 Box Jumps (24/20") 35 DLs (365/225#) 15 Box Jumps (24/20") NOTE TO ALL DROP-IN OPEN COMPETITORS: YOU WILL BE PLACED IN THE LAST HEAT, WHICH WILL START AT 11:20 A.M....SHOW UP, WARM UP, PREP, ETC AS YOU PLEASE AND BE READY TO GO AT THAT TIME. Here they are - the newest members of our CFH family! From left: Scott, Rebecca, Wes, Autumn, Drew, Barbara, and Maritza in front (not pictured: Wendi) Strength: Press & Push Press Conditioning: 3 sets, each for time 20 KB Swings (55/35#) 40 Double-Unders Rest 2:00
Please help us send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Michelle Clark today! Strength: Shoulder-to-Overhead Conditioning: 10:00 AMRAP 5 Deadlifts (225/185#) 10 T2B 15 Wall Ball (20/14#) Hate Mondays? Cranky about the time change? Don't feel like working out today? Take your right hand and put it over your you feel that? That's called purpose. You are alive and on this earth for a take a deep breath, smile, and get a jump start on the week ahead. Happy Monday, people...Happy Monday! Skill/Core Work: :60 cumulative L-sit :60 cumulative HS Hold :60 cumulative Plank Hold Repeat Strength: Clean & Jerk Complete the following for time: Run 1 large lap THEN 7 Rounds 1 Squat Snatch (95/65#) 7 OH Squats 7 Burpees THEN Run 1 large lap OPEN COMPETITORS: HEAT 1 STARTS AT 10 A.M. IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING CLASS. CrossFit Open 14.2... From 0:00-3:00 2 rounds of 10 OH Squats (95/65#) and 10 C2B pull-ups From 3:00-6:00 2 rounds of 12 OH Squats (95/65#) and 12 C2B pull-ups From 6:00-9:00 2 rounds of 14 OH Squats (95/65#) and 14 C2B pull-ups Continue to follow the same pattern until you fail to complete 2 rounds inside the 3:00 window. |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018