Strength: Front Squats
Run 800m for time
Tabata Squats
Tabata Sit-Ups
Run 800m for time
Huge thank-you to Ryan for coaching all the classes Tuesday night...huge congrats to Holland Marie for a successful CD launch party (and we know there's MUCH more success in this lady's future)...and huge kudos to EVERYONE who showed up for yesterday's hero WOD. It was a tough one and you all overcame! Strength: Front Squats Conditioning: Run 800m for time Tabata Squats Tabata Sit-Ups Run 800m for time Congratulations to Jim Dikeman for completing a 10-mile race this past weekend in a little over 1.5 hours...and he did it with zero long-distance training runs. (This CrossFit thing must really work, huh?) - WAY TO GO JIM! Partner workout today (kind of): 10 Rounds Run 100m 10 Burpees Run 100m 10 Lunge Steps *Partner/work details are on the whiteboard 90-day Paleo Project peeps who have NOT repeated Benchmark #2 yet..."Morrison" is on tap for you guys! Everyone have a to-do list for today's Met-Con. For time: 20 Deadlifts (225/185#) 30 Box Jump Overs (24/20") 40 KB Swings (55/35#) 50 Double-Unders Run 1 large lap 50 Double-Unders 40 KB Swings (55/35#) 30 Box Jump Overs (24/20") 20 Deadlifts (225/185#) Please help us send big HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Darlene Oliver today! Strength: Heavy Push Jerk / Split Jerk Conditioning: 15:00 AMRAP 10 Wall Ball (20/14#) 20 Box Jumps (24/20") Run 200m This is the LAST WEEK for our Lurong Paleo Challenge. Be sure to give these hard-working guys and gals a high five and cheer them on as they power through the last few challenge WODs.They've worked so hard during this challenge, and they're already seeing great results. Strength: Snatch Conditioning (*compare to 4-8-13): Run 1 lap THEN 3 rounds of 30 squats, 20 sit-ups, and 10 Burpees THEN Run 1 lap
We've been working with some new ideas for the programming, and we've seen good results so now it's your turn. There's nothing crazy going on - just a small change to the strength cycle that we think will clear up some questions, help new people acclimate a little faster, and help you self-adjust for those days when you're feeling fantastic and those days when you just don't have that much to give. The entire point is to have fun and consistently make grab your journal (seriously, you NEED TO KEEP A JOURNAL) and come in ready to work. NOTE: if you're doing the Paleo Challenge,
Strength: Press Conditioning: 4 Rounds Run 400m 20 Pull-Ups Rest 1:1 The Lurong Living Paleo Challenge starts one week from today. If you want to feel, sleep, and perform better...this challenge is for you. It is eight weeks long and the great team at Lurong will provide articles, tips, an online dashboard, and other tools to help you stay accountable and make long-term habits to improve your health. Strength: Find 1RM Clean Conditioning: a little running For those of you not in class last night, here's the big surprise...we now have LOCKERS for you! Of course, with your new toys come new rules like 'no smelly stuff'...'no food'...'don't leave your shaker bottles in there'...'these are everyone's to share, so no, you may not customize them'...etc. The cubes are still available for your shoes, journals, etc, but if you'd like to bring a lock and secure your valuables while you're in class, go for it (leave it UNLOCKED when you're not here, though). Don't forget - after class today, head downtown and check out the annual Cumberland River Dragon Boat Festival. Your coaches will be on one of the Nashville Rugby Club boats. WOD details: 10-8-6-4-2-4-6-8-10 Push Press (115/75#) SDHP (115/75#) T2B Run 100m after each set *similar to 12-1-12 and 6-8-12 Please help us send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Jason Pepin today! We hear they had a great time at the Wilson County Fair over the weekend...let's help him work off all that "fun." Strength: OH Lunges Conditioning: 6 Rounds Run 1 lap (~250m) with plate (35/25#) 5 Hang Squat Snatches Strength: Turkish Get Ups Conditioning: EMOM for 11 minutes Run 150m *compare to 11-2-12 For your calendar...
Who's ready to play with the tires today? Oh yeah, and the sledgehammers, too! 5 Rounds: 5 Tire Flips 10 Tire Jumps 15 Sledgehammer Strikes Run 400m Please help us send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to soon-to-be momma, Heidi Jenks, today! A few reminders:
Strength: Cleans Conditioning: 3 Rounds 12 Power Cleans (135/85#) Run 400m 10 HSPU It's time to test your new 1RMs on different lifts this week - who's ready to ring the bell again?!? Strength: Find 1RM Snatch Conditioning: Run 400m for time Rest Run 400m for time (faster than the first lap) REMINDER: this is our last 7 p.m. class on Monday nights; we will continue the 7 p.m. classes on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Don't forget - we're having a little "Christmas in July" by doing the 12 Days of Christmas WOD this Saturday; please plan to stay a little later than usual. Strength: Good Mornings Conditioning: 3 Rounds Run 400m 5 Deadlifts (275/185#) 10 Box Jumps (24/20")
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The CrossFit Games start next week, and the first event was announced as "Naughty Nancy." Of course, we don't know exactly what that means, but it's a great connection to our "Girls of Summer" here at we're going to tackle the benchmark WOD "Nancy" today. Read this quick article to be sure you're set up properly and ready to watch when the excitement starts; it looks like you WILL NOT be able to watch over the web this year. "Nancy" 5 Rounds Run 400m 15 OH Squats (95/65#)
Please help us welcome the newest members of our CrossFit Hermitage family - they just graduated the 101 class last night and they're ready to jump in the deep end! From left: back row - Jayson and Robert; middle row - Chris and Justin; front row - Meghen, Katelin, Grace, Tameeka, Lisa, and Ashley. 5 Rounds Sprint 200m ME UB Thrusters (115/75#) Rest 1:1
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018