Strength: Back Squats
Strength: Press
This weekend is the Central East Regional CrossFit competition in Cincinnati, Ohio and we are SO excited to travel with some of you guys to check out the top competitors. Can't wait to see who goes to the CrossFit Games in July! For those of you not able to make the trip, check out over the weekend for event details, leaderboard info, and even live streaming of the events! Thanks to Ryan Flood, all classes WILL RUN AS SCHEDULED. Strength: Back Squats Strength: Press Strength: Find 1RM Press/Push Press Conditioning: Run 200m 50 Lunges 40 Pull-Ups 30 Push-Ups 20 Front Squats (95/65#) 10 Hang Power Cleans (95/65#) Run 200m *compare to 9/6/13 (or previous dates: 7/8/13; 10/6/12; 8/6/12; 2/18/12; 12/17/11) Please help us send big HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to one of our newest CFH family members, Scott Stilwell! Strength: Seated Press Conditioning: Ball Slams, Band Pull-downs, and Double-Unders Strength: Press & Push Press Conditioning/Skill: 3 Sets, NFT 10 TALL Box Jumps 10 HSPU 10 Alternating Pistols Whether you competed in the Open or not, you worked through some pretty tough programming and high volume the last 5 it's time to REALLY dig in and take care of those hips and shoulders. Be sure you take a moment after each class to go through the movements we have listed on the whiteboard for mobility and stretching. Of course, Epsom salt baths, rejuvenating activities, and a little sunshine does wonders, too! Here they are - the newest members of our CFH family! From left: Scott, Rebecca, Wes, Autumn, Drew, Barbara, and Maritza in front (not pictured: Wendi) Strength: Press & Push Press Conditioning: 3 sets, each for time 20 KB Swings (55/35#) 40 Double-Unders Rest 2:00 We're about TWO WEEKS away - Double Under Seminar - Sunday, February 9! We are thrilled to welcome Melly Metz and her awesome company, JumpNRope, to the box...and we know you will have a blast with this hands-on learning experience!
Strength: Press & Push Press Conditioning: Back Squats and Skills Practice Guess What?!?! We had a few mis-prints on the last shirt order, so the printer is going to do another small print run for us. We DO have extra shirts in stock, but if you missed out on the last order...or didn't realize you wanted a specific color until your best friend got it...or didn't get the CFH swag you asked for as a Christmas gift...then THIS IS YOUR CHANCE to get the item(s) you want. Sign-up sheets are in the lobby. Strength: Floor Press Conditioning: EMOM for 5:00 10 Press (floor press weight) THEN it's time for some skills practice Possible inclement weather: if we need to cancel a class due to dangerous road conditions, we will post on our Facebook Page as SOON as we make that decision. It's now time to jump back in and focus on the year ahead! We have some great things coming up in the next few months, so keep your eyes and ears peeled for various announcements. Our next 101 program begins Monday, January 6. Help us spread the word and get those last-minute registrations in! Don't forget - the American Red Cross "Blood, Sweat, and Cheers" workout is Saturday, January 11 (YOU MUST DONATE BLOOD BEFORE JANUARY 5). Strength: Deadlift Conditioning: "Sally" Back Squats THEN "Sally" Press *compare to 10-8-13 You've had plenty of time to rest, carb up, sleep off the alchohol, etc...and now it's time to get back to work! For time: (115/75#) 30 OH Squats 30 SDHP 30 Front Squats 30 Press 30 Lateral Hops 30 Floor Press 30 Front Rack Lunges
Please help us welcome our newest member of the CFH family, John Riddle. He came to us as a CrossFitter, so you may have already seen him around the box knocking out a few workouts. Be sure to introduce yourself and make him feel welcome! Strength: Press Conditioning: 8 min AMRAP 10 Push Press (115/75#) 10 Box Jumps (24/20") 10 K2E *compare to 11-6-12 True physical health comes from a combination of exercise AND nutrition. KUDOS to each of you who have ever done, or are currently doing, a Paleo challenge to reset your bodies and learn how to properly fuel your systems! You don't have to eat 100% strict Paleo 100% of the time...just avoid processed foods, eat *enough* clean food, and pay attention to your body. It will tell you exactly what you need if you'll just listen...and that's something no one else will ever be able to do for you. We can provide guidance, but you have to experiment and track inputs/outputs to find YOUR correct balance. Strength: Press Conditioning: 10:00 AMRAP 10 Burpees 5 Power Cleans (115/75#) 10 One-arm KB Swings (heavy)
You MUST have goals to succeed...bottom line. Whether your goals are habit based (drink 1G of water each day); skill based (practice pull-ups or DUs or HS after every workout); nutrition related (strict Paleo for 30 days); or something have to set long-term goals, then figure out a few short-term steps that will get you there, then think about what you need to do each month to take those steps. Write your short- and long-term goals on the large boards, and jot down that monthly goal on the board by the water fountain. Stick to it and you'll be amazed at your progress! Strength: Press Conditioning: 3 rounds 20 Front Rack Lunge Steps (75/55#) 10 Box Jumps (24/20") 20 KB Swings (55/35#) How are those September goals coming along? Make time to practice; stick with those new habits; and ask us if you need help. Setting and reaching these monthly goals is the only way to achieve those bigger goals on the board. Stay focused! Strength: Press Conditioning: 8 min AMRAP 1 Hang Power Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean 2 Push Jerks / Split Jerks We've been working with some new ideas for the programming, and we've seen good results so now it's your turn. There's nothing crazy going on - just a small change to the strength cycle that we think will clear up some questions, help new people acclimate a little faster, and help you self-adjust for those days when you're feeling fantastic and those days when you just don't have that much to give. The entire point is to have fun and consistently make grab your journal (seriously, you NEED TO KEEP A JOURNAL) and come in ready to work. NOTE: if you're doing the Paleo Challenge,
Strength: Press Conditioning: 4 Rounds Run 400m 20 Pull-Ups Rest 1:1 Happy Monday, everyone! Not only did we have a ton of fun on Saturday, but this is going to be a great week full of PRs...we just know it! Get your mind right, sleep well, HYDRATE, and eat to fuel your performance as we test 1RMs every day this week! SCHEDULE REMINDERS: We now have a 5 p.m. class on Mondays and Tuesdays. We are CLOSED Friday, June 7 and Saturday, June 8. Strength: Find 1RM Press Conditioning: 21-15-9 MB Cleans (20/14#) Push-Ups Sit-Ups *compare to 5-8-12 It's time for a little reminder about the weights and barbells. 1 - DO NOT drop empty bars...ever. 2 - ALWAYS CONTROL your bar drop when you have bumpers. This means NOT letting the bar go when it's overhead. Bring it back down to your waist before you release your grip. There is NO REASON to throw the bar into the air, or let it go and walk away when it's overhead. Period. Strength: Press Conditioning: 75 Hang Power Cleans (60%) Immediately complete 5 Burpees every time you set the bar down With gratitude and pride, we remember those who served and died for our country and our freedoms. We honor the sacrifices of our fallen soldiers, wounded warriors, POWs, and those MIA; may you and your families find peace. Strength: Cleans Conditioning: complete the following list for time. Row 500m 30 Burpees 20 Push Press or Jerk (165/95#) 10 Sit-Ups MEMORIAL DAY SCHEDULE: CLASSES AT 6 A.M. AND 9 A.M. ONLY TODAY. |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018