Strength: Press with Ball Slams & Tuck-Ups
Tabata Squats and Tabata Push-Ups
Please help us send big HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Nettie Boyle today! Strength: Press with Ball Slams & Tuck-Ups Conditioning: Tabata Squats and Tabata Push-Ups We never post on Sundays, so this must be a big deal! We have a HUGE, HUGE favor to ask of our CFH friends and family... CrossFit Hermitage has been nominated as a 'favorite' in the Tennessean's Toast of Music City Reader's Choice Awards (pretty, cool huh?)...but we need your DAILY VOTES to actually win the category "best gym." Would you please CLICK HERE and vote, vote, vote? The more the merrier! We'll be your best friend and love you forever if you vote EACH DAY until July 22. 5 sets, each for time: 10 Thrusters (115/75#) 20 C2B Pull-ups 30 KB Swings (55/35#) 40 Double-Unders *Rest 4:00 after each set Please help us welcome another new member, Glenda Morrow! She came to us through private training and is jumping into the group classes now. Say hello and help show her the ropes when you see her. Strength: Deadlifts Conditioning / Skills: HSPU, L-Hangs, and Jumping Lunges Please help us welcome another 'morning member' to the CFH family! Ann Thornton dropped in earlier this month and decided to stick around with us. Welcome to the team, Ann! Strength: Push Jerk / Split Jerk Conditioning: "Elizabeth" 21-15-9 Cleans (135/95#) Ring Dips *compare to 6-21-13 We have a few new members who haven't been introduced yet (our apologies). Please help us welcome Maddie Campbell to the CFH family! Strength: Back Squats Conditioning: Lunges & Chin-Ups Please help send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Coach Brandi today! Strength: Cleans Conditioning: 6:00 AMRAP 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20") 15 KB Swings (55/35#) 20 Push-Ups 25 Wall Ball (20/14#) 30 Sit-Ups THEN Rest 4:00 THEN Repeat 6:00 AMRAP Happy Monday, gang! What are you doing to make today great? What are you doing this week to reach your goals? Strength: Pause Front Squats Conditioning / Skills: Controlled Snatch Work
Strength: Deadlifts and Planks Conditioning: 3 Rounds, NFT 3 Turkish Get-ups / side 10 Goblet Squats 20 KB Swings Strength: Push Press + Jerk Conditioning / Skill work: Wall Walks, Ring Dips, Pull-ups Calendar Reminders: June 21 starts the 2014 "Girls of Summer" season (if you don't know, you should ask around) July 4 - 8 & 9am classes ONLY July 5 - CLOSED July 12 - Glo Run (register under birthdaybash to join the group) PARTNER WOD! (You can pair up in class, don't worry.) 3 Rounds :60 ME Wall Ball (20/14#) :60 Rest :60 ME Push-ups :60 Rest :60 ME Box Jumps (24/20") :60 Rest :60 ME KB Swings (55/35#) :60 Rest :60 ME Sit-ups :60 Rest *Partner work/rest, scoring, and other details on the whiteboard. Super-strong Talia Van Doran showin' how it's done! Strength: Find 1RM Back Squat Conditioning/Skill Work: HSPUs and DUs Mark your calendars: July 4 - 8 & 9 a.m. classes ONLY July 5 - CLOSED Strength: RDLs Conditioning: "The Chief" 5 sets 3:00 AMRAP 3 Power Cleans (135/95#) 6 Push-Ups 9 Squats Rest :60 between each 3:00 AMRAP session "Each year in the United States Navy, a highly qualified and elite cadre of Sailors are selected and promoted to the join the ranks of Chief Petty Officer. Since 1893, 'The Chiefs' have been relied upon by subordinates and superiors alike for their personal example, technical expertise and above all, their unique leadership capabilities. In honor and recognition of all past and present CPOs, and with thanks to them and their families for their self-sacrifice, ability to adapt, tireless dedication to mission and devotion to country." "The 3 Amigos" With a running clock complete: (1) 3 Rounds for Time: 10 Power Snatch (95/65#) 10 HSPU At the 10 minute mark, complete: (2) 3 Rounds for Time: 10 Thrusters (95/65#) 10 Pull-Ups At the 20 minute mark, complete: (3) 3 Rounds for Time: 10 Box Jumps (24/20") 10 T2B *compare to 12-28-13 Strength: Back Squats (note - we will test your new 1RM on Tuesday) Conditioning: 5:00 AMRAP 10 Push-Ups 10 Alternating Pistols THEN 5:00 Rest THEN 5:00 AMRAP 10 T2B 20 Double-Unders Please help us send big HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Shannon Glover today! WOD: 5 sets 10 Deadlift (225/155#) 15 Pull-Ups Run 400m Rest 3:00 Calendar Items to Note: June 21 starts the 2014 "Girls of Summer" season (if you don't know, you should ask around) July 4 - 8 & 9am classes ONLY July 5 - CLOSED July 12 - Glo Run (register under birthdaybash to join the group) Strength: EMOM Power Cleans (with scoring involved...what?) Conditioning: 8:00 AMRAP 10 Shoulder-to-OH (115/75#) 10 Push-Ups 30 Double-Unders
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018