Lots of people are about to celebrate Christmas...but what about "Festivus for the Rest of Us"? Well, not to worry - we gotcha covered! We were asked to be hosts for this year's worldwide FESTIVUS GAMES (feats of strength for the rest of us) and...well...we said YES! Festivus Games at CrossFit Hermitage is a competition for Novice, Intermediates, and 45+ Masters Athletes (no RX, Elite, Fire-breather athletes this time around) & it's goin' down April 22nd, 2017. Registration is OPEN NOW...AND...the first 15 Athletes to register will save $10 off their registration + score a free Athlete shirt! Festivusgames.com/register/11776/ Bonus - the WODs are already announced. Check it out - you KNOW you can do this! FestivusGames.com/divisions |
20:00 AMRAP
50 Wall Ball (20/14#)
40 KB Swings (55/35#)
30 Burpees
20 Pull-ups
5 Slam Ball-over-shoulder (heavy)
REMINDER: Closed Monday, 12/26