Congratulations go out to Maddy Barnes for winning extra workout points for her team "Chalk Dirty to Me"...Diego and Coach Ryan for both winning the workout points for "WOD Killas"...and to Heidi for blasting through her handstand push-ups to win the points for "Beauties & the Beast". GREAT WORK by everyone this weekend!
Team "Schweddy Wall Balls" went all 'Merica on us to earn this week's team spirit points and "Beauties & the Beast" took home the SPIRIT CUP for overall total points for the 2nd week in a row.
We can't wait to see what happens this Saturday - it's the last week of the competition AND we're having a cookout afterwards. Swing by to say hello, help us cheer, and see what the fuss is all about!
Strength: Press
4 sets
8 strict pull-ups @ tempo 2012
Rest :30
10 KB Right-leg Deadlift
10 KB Left-leg Deadlift
Rest :30
10 Press @ tempo 3011