Run 600m
50 Squats
40 Jumping Jacks
30 Push-ups
20 Picnic Table 'box jumps'
10 Jumping Lunges
Run 600m
If you're meeting as a group, park in the first lot to the left once you turn onto Dodson Chapel from Central Pike at the 4-way stop. Warm-up PROPERLY at the sun dial sculpture, then follow the sidewalk over toward the playground. Your 600m run starts at the sidewalk closest to Dodson Chapel and the lot where you parked. Run on the sidewalk up Dodson Chapel, turn left onto James Kay Lane, and left again into the community center parking lot. Continue down that sidewalk AND the small lap around the playground area. Do your movements in the grassy area between the playground and the community center; you'll see the row of picnic tables.
When you finish your last jumping lunge, reverse the route to complete your run.
Be sure to stretch out before and after!