Take a second & think back to your first day of High School. Chances are (if your school was anything like mine) you saw some of your old friends from junior high and maybe even elementary school...but also a whole bunch of new faces from other schools.
You might also remember a moment in homeroom where you didn’t know anyone in your new class - oh, the horror! What's the plan - just sit there quietly to yourself…all year long? Sure, that’s the thought at the time - but you were also 14! It made sense. BUT...how did things really turn out? Some of those strangers became your best friends for an entire lifetime (we don't have to say how many years it's been) of fun and happiness.
It’s actually kinda like our classes here at CrossFit Hermitage! Whether you're looking at our CrossFit 101 class or our BootCamp 615 program....you make new friends, but keep the old; one is silver and the other gold (yes, I was a Girl Scout too in case that 'song' sounds familiar). ;-)
Each Bootcamp we run has a little bit of everything, and awesome personalities are definitely part of the mix. There are people trying to get back in shape...and somehow they become really good friends with people who are just learning how to get in shape for the first time ever. Sure, they have different backgrounds...but that doesn't matter because we get to share in our struggles together...AND...we share in our successes, too!
Then there’s the workout buddy who's there simply because their friend dragged them along...then they turn out to be the most outgoing person in the Bootcamp! We’ve also had people attend because a doctor said "you have to for your health". Honestly, they end up being the inspiration for so many of us on days when it’s tough to even think about working out. You know if they can do it, you can too!
The friendships made here at CrossFit Hermitage last, too.
You get to meet your new friends in person at our BootCamp 615 kick-off event on Saturday, April 9...but only if you register ASAP! It’s just $49 to reserve your spot & meet all the awesome new people who will help hold you accountable & reach the results you’ve always wanted.
---> www.BootCamp615.com <---
With a running clock complete:
(1) 3 Rounds for Time:
10 Power Snatch (95/65#)
At the 10 minute mark, complete:
(2) 3 Rounds for Time:
10 Thrusters (95/65#)
10 Pull-Ups
At the 20 minute mark, complete:
(3) 3 Rounds for Time:
10 Box Jumps (24/20")
10 T2B
*compare to 6-20-15