If you have yet to experience this popular benchmark workout, you're in for an unforgettable 17-minute adventure. It was designed to simulate the time domain of a mixed martial arts bout of five minutes of work followed by one minute of rest, and it was named after BJ Penn, a professional mixed martial artist, remarked that it was like a "fight gone bad" when asked how it compared to a real fight.
"Fight Gone Bad"
You'll spend 1 minute at each station listed below (5 stations total)
After your 5th station, you'll rest for 1 minute
Repeat for a total of 3 rounds
Your score is the total number of reps completed - don't worry, we're going to pair up and help each other keep count.
Wall Ball (20/14#)
SDHP (75/55#)
Box Jumps (20")
Push Press (75/55#)
Row (for max calories)
As always - scaled options available. Come enjoy the fun!