Run 200m with sandbag
40 Sit-Ups & 40 Burpess to the sandbag
Run 200m with sandbag
40 V-Ups & 40 Front Squat with sandbag
Run 200m with sandbag
40 Hollow Rock & 40 Push Press with sandbag
Run 200m with sandbag
40 T2B & 40 Squat Clean with sandbag
(weight options on the whiteboard)
*One partner must hold the sandbag at all times (e.g., if you are doing sit-ups your partner holds the sandbag; if you are doing front squats you're using the sandbag).
*Both partners must run all distances; you can decide who carries the sandbag, or you can both carry it together.
*Allocate the number of necessary reps between you in any way you'd like.