For those of you who WERE on the Paleo Challenge, this is it! We'll weigh-out and take measurements, photos, etc after the workout. Winners will be announced on Monday.
Partner WOD:
Run 650m
50 Wall Ball (20/14#)
60 Box Jumps (24/20")
50 Press or Push Press (95/65#)
60 Sit-Ups
50 Bar-Facing Burpees
Run 650m
Both partners must complete the full run to start and end the WOD.
As a team, you must complete the number of required reps, but it does not matter which of you does more or less.
Each team member must complete at least one rep of each movement.
You may not start the next movement until all reps in the previous movement are complete.
The WOD is over when the last member of the team finishes the last run.