Six Easy Ways To NOT Get Results.
1. Compare yourself to everyone else. The more you judge your success or worth against everyone else, the less results you will recognize.
2. Follow your own program. Go ahead and train yourself, workout on your own, and think that you don’t need any coaching. Thinking you know it all is an incredible way to be stuck.
3. Complain about the weather, the workout, your soreness or tiredness and every other little thing you can think of. Especially all the things you can’t control, these should really be verbalized a lot.
4. Run away from challenges. Someone new wants to workout with you? Say no. A coach wants you to try something you have never done…definitely don’t do that. Avoiding all things that make you uncomfortable puts you on the fast track to Nowheresville.
5. Focus on all the things that you can’t do (or the things you think you should be able to do). Always talk about what you think you should be capable of, but you aren’t. Always worry about all those things that you can’t quite do yet, instead of any small victories you have had recently.
6. Drudge through the process. Go to practice or training and just drag yourself through it. Don’t enjoy the ride and only think about the destination that you think is so important but you forget why you even want it. Great way to never be happy or see positive change.
Let me be the first to remind you, you NEVER want to be "that guy" who does the things listed above. Doing those six things above are EASY. Anyone can do them, and most people do. Run as far as you can from thinking and acting like ‘most people’ if you want to see the results that set you apart.
Speaking of results...let's get to work!
LIFT: Find your Back Squat 3RM
3 Rounds
Run 400m
21 KB Swings (55/35#)
12 Pull-Ups