-6 weeks of physical training, built around making your mind & body strong!
-3 sessions per week, jam-packed with 60 minutes of education + nutrition + lifestyle coaching + workouts designed for your level of fitness.
-your graduation towards a healthier lifestyle and stronger body
-and the RESULTS that you deserve!
One of the biggest questions I get is "do I have to be in shape to get started?" or "what does everyone else in the group look like?" I promise you that we have people of ALL ages, sizes, physical backgrounds, and fitness levels come through our doors. Of course, people will finish the program in great shape, but OUR JOB is to educate and support you through the program to get you to that point!
If you're ready for the next step, it’s just $49 to reserve your spot and see if this program is right for you.
We’ve already got the first handful of people set up and ready to go for October 8...hope you can join them!
---> www.BootCamp615.com <---
Strength: Push Press
8:00 "Up the Ladder"
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Jerk
*Weights, rules, details, etc are on the whiteboard