Now if you’re someone who wants to:
-lose weight
-feel great
-be supported
-learn more about fitness
-and look AMAZING...
then you gotta call us at 615-496-4080 to see if our program is right for you!
Each BOOTCAMP 615 program has a registration cap so if you want in on the action (or you still have questions), give us a ring...but hurry! If you get our voicemail because we're helping another Bootcamper get started, leave a message or send us an email.
Speed Deadlifts
Conditioning / Skill:
"Bar Hold" (115/75#)
Change position every :15 for 6:00
- Top of Deadlift
- Clean to Front Rack
- Push Press & lock out
- Back Rack
- Push Press & lock out
- Front Rack
- Repeat cycle for 6:00