It's the start of a new year, and people are making and breaking resolutions all over the place. We don't believe in making resolutions because it's nearly impossible to change years and years of bad habits one day just because the date on the calendar is different. Instead, you need to be honest with yourself and your timelines, you need to make a solid commitment, and you need to stick to that commitment even when you don't want to. Whether we're talking about nutrition, sleeping habits, exercise plans, learning new skills and movements, or other simply have to set reasonable goals and work hard to make gains. You have to make a commitment and accept no excuses! Please take a moment to revisit the "Goals" board, set short term AND long term goals, and talk to us about specific plans to reach those goals. Let's start by setting one small goal for the month of January. What's yours?
EMOM for 10 minutes
2 Deadlifts (60%)
15 min AMRAP
3 Push Press (115/75#)
6 T2B
9 Ring Push-Ups
200 Singles (or run 200m)