MetCon: For time, complete the following list in order
500m Row
20 DL (225/135#)
20 HR Push-Ups
20 Russian Sit-Ups (25/15#)
20 Pull-Ups
20 Air Squats
We've had lots of good questions about the strength program lately, and we want to be sure you guys understand the process. If you've only been with us a few months and/or you're new to lifting, stick with the orange numbers on the board for your lifts - do not use the percentages.
If you're using the percentages, take a moment to be sure you're using them correctly. Read the page posted next to the board and ask us ANY questions you may have. Essentially, during each max-effort week use your numbers on the "1+" lift to calculate a new one-rep max. Write that down in your journal, and use THAT number the next time we hit that exact lift. You must do this each time so your future percentages are based on the new, higher numbers...don't continue to use an old 1RM from months ago. Constant, steady progress, folks....constant, steady progress.