Strength / Skill:
3 sets, NFT
5 Wall Walks
10 Hollow Body Rocks
20 DUs
5 sets, each for time
150 Singles
12 Alternating Pistols
12 Pull-ups
Rest :90
Happy St. Paddy's Day...we think someone started celebrating a little early! You guys KNOW who this is, right? Strength / Skill: 3 sets, NFT 5 Wall Walks 10 Hollow Body Rocks 20 DUs Conditioning: 5 sets, each for time 150 Singles 12 Alternating Pistols 12 Pull-ups Rest :90 Please help us send HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes to Michael Bergmann today! Strength: Front Squats Conditioning: ME UB Power Cleans (175/120#) Rest 2:00 ME UB Power Cleans (155/105#) Rest 2:00 ME UB Power Cleans (135/95#) THEN For time: 500 Singles 50 C2B Pull-Ups 30 Thrusters (95/65#) We've received some pretty positive feedback about the programming changes, so we'll stick with it through the Open before we make any other changes and add even more fun stuff tot he mix. We're really happy you guys are having fun and enjoying the switch-up! On that note, we apologize that a few classes have run 3-4 minutes over lately as we work through these changes and figure out the right timing of things. We always want to be respectful of your time. Conditioning: 5 Rounds, each for time 200 Singles 12 Alternating Pistols 12 Pull-ups :90 Rest We'll wrap up with Offset Waiter Walks and T2B “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” -Martin Luther King, Jr. Strength: Snatch Conditioning: 3 sets (:30 on / :30 off) Singles or Double-Unders HSPU Box Jump Overs Ring Dips Don't forget - "12 Days of Christmas" workout tomorrow, so plan to pair up and stay a little longer than usual. FUN, FUN, FUN! Strength: Clean & Jerk Conditioning: 8:00 AMRAP 10 Pistols 10 Renegade Rows 50 Singles Help us send good mojo to two of our athletes as they compete in the "Takes 2 to Tango" team competition this weekend. Shannon Glover and Jennifer Perrier are going to ROCK events like "Frantango", tire flips, fireman partner carry, and more! If you can make it, try to swing by CrossFit Talon in Franklin, TN to cheer them on this Saturday. Strength: Hang Power Cleans Conditioning: 6 min AMRAP 5 Squat Clean Thrusters 50 Singles *compare to 9-28-12 These guys and gals just graduated from our latest 101 program, so please give them a big CFH family welcome as they jump into the group classes! From left: Dominique; Leslie; Derek; Trina; Emily (not pictured: Michelle). Strength: Squat Snatch Press Conditioning: 100 Front Squats (60%) *Break when you need; complete 30 DUs before you start again Help us send CONGRATULATIONS & HAPPY GRADUATION wishes to Homer Britton and Kent Perrier; they both walked across the stage and officially received an MBA with a concentration in Information Technology Management from Trevecca over the weekend! Strength: Back Squats Conditioning: 4 Rounds 200 Singles 20 Pull-Ups Rest 1:1 Help us send all the best wishes you can muster to Holland Marie as she walks down the aisle to marry her honey today! Strength: Clean & Jerk Conditioning: for time, complete the following list 200 Singles THEN 3 Rounds of: 5 MB Cleans (20/14#) 10 WB Sit-Ups 15 HR Push-Ups THEN 200 Singles HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Josh Siemer! We don't know how, but he has managed to avoid the camera so we have zero photos of him. Hmmm...that's a pretty neat trick, Josh. It's the start of a new year, and people are making and breaking resolutions all over the place. We don't believe in making resolutions because it's nearly impossible to change years and years of bad habits one day just because the date on the calendar is different. Instead, you need to be honest with yourself and your timelines, you need to make a solid commitment, and you need to stick to that commitment even when you don't want to. Whether we're talking about nutrition, sleeping habits, exercise plans, learning new skills and movements, or other simply have to set reasonable goals and work hard to make gains. You have to make a commitment and accept no excuses! Please take a moment to revisit the "Goals" board, set short term AND long term goals, and talk to us about specific plans to reach those goals. Let's start by setting one small goal for the month of January. What's yours? Strength: EMOM for 10 minutes 2 Deadlifts (60%) Conditioning: 15 min AMRAP 3 Push Press (115/75#) 6 T2B 9 Ring Push-Ups 200 Singles (or run 200m) The menu for Sunday's brunch is shaping up to be quite yummy. Please remember to bring copies of your recipes for anyone interested in trying your dish at home. At the very least, please bring an index card to note any non-Paleo items so people can decide if it's worth the taste test. Be sure to think about people's allergies and note if something contains specific nuts, gluten, dairy, etc. Strength: Press (3-3-3+) Conditioning: 12 min AMRAP 10 Push Press (115/75#) 200 Singles The weekend is usually the hardest time for people to stick with their healthy eating habits. You guys are doing GREAT with the Paleo challenge, so don't get sidetracked. Stick to what you know, keep it simple, and you'll feel much better when it's time to tackle your next workout. You are more than halfway through your challenge and we know you already feel better! Strength: Front Squat (5-3-1+) Conditioning: 6 min AMRAP 5 Squat Cleans to Thrusters (60% of Clean 1RM) 50 Singles Tonight's lift is the hang power snatch: focus on the speed and technique necessary to execute this movement well. Remember to keep your dip vertical; fully extend those hips, knees, & ankles BEFORE you shrug; and PULL your body under the bar as you extend your arms to lockout. As with the Overhead Squats, keep the bar in the frontal plane so you can complete the movement with success. LIFT: Hang Power Snatch (5-5-5) MetCon: 5 Rounds :30 on / :30 off Hang Power Snatch Jump Rope Singles MB Cleans WB Sit-Ups This is it! TONIGHT IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SIGN UP for Saturday's "Beat the Streets" fundraiser for Steve's Club (to help bring CrossFit to at-risk youth in Nashville). Be sure to put your name on the board or email [email protected] to register. Share this link to spread the word, make a donation, and let us know you're attending. No regular class on Saturday. Fundraiser WOD starts at 10 a.m. LIFT: Deadlift (5-5-5) MetCon: 8 min AMRAP 10 Pistols 10 Renegade Rows 100 Singles We've had a few questions lately about nutrition and weight loss, so we thought it would be a good time to remind you of the blog post from February 13, 2012. Bottom line: you have the ability to burn fat all day long if your hormones tell your body to do so. Use this link to read the blog and learn how to do just that. LIFT: Back Squat (5-3-1+) MetCon: 10 min AMRAP 50 Double-Unders 10 Ring Dips It's time for another birthday WOD! Three cheers for Emilie Malone as she hits a milestone today...the big 3-0! Also, don't forget - Holly will be here tonight as well as next Tuesday & Thursday nights (sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board). "Beat the Streets" fundraiser is May 19. Closed for Memorial Day May 26 & 28. LIFT: Ring Work MetCon: 30 Sit-Ups 20 Front Squats (95/65#) 500 Singles 20 Front Squats (95/65#) 30 Sit-Ups We're going to test your one-rep max tonight for the Clean...then we'll have a little fun with a jump rope. Drink plenty of water, eat right, and come prepared to give everything you've got! Speaking of eating right, here's a great recipe for quick, tasty meal...the Paleo MexiMelt. Grate 3-4 large zucchini and 4-5 carrots in a food processor. Set aside. Brown 1lb. ground beef and 1lb. italian sausage in a decent amount of olive oil in a large skillet. While the meat is browning, liberally add garlic powder, chili powder, ground cumin, paprika, and a little cilantro. Once the meat has browned, stir in the zucchini & carrots. Continue cooking for about 15 minutes. Serve alone or top it with a fried egg for some extra protein. LIFT: Snatch (5-5-5) MetCon: 5 Rounds 10 Burpees 15 Alternating Jump Lunges 50 Singles 5 5-yard Shuttle Runs |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018