Hang Clean + Jerk THEN Ground-to-Overhead
EMOM 10:00
Odd minutes = 15 Wall Ball (20/14#)
Even minutes = 8 C2B Pull-ups
It's time to place our next Progenex order! We try to keep the "Recovery" and "More Muscle" products in stock, but if you want a specific flavor...or if you want to try a different product like Flow, Cocoon, or Omega+...just let us know. You can pick it up at at the box in the next week or so. Strength: Hang Clean + Jerk THEN Ground-to-Overhead Conditioning: EMOM 10:00 Odd minutes = 15 Wall Ball (20/14#) Even minutes = 8 C2B Pull-ups Registration for the CrossFit Open! "The Open" is for EVERYONE! You can visit if you'd like to take a look at the past year's workouts and get an idea of what's in store (though they DO like to surprise us). If you have even one little competitive bone in your body, we encourage you to sign up and use this opportunity to gain an appreciation for your strengths, weaknesses and mental toughness. You may or may not notice our programming changes throughout the year as we focus a little more on strength, a little more on conditioning, a little more on building that engine, a little more on honing those skills, etc...but you can't help but notice the changes we'll implement over the coming weeks as we head into the Open (YAY!). We just want to take a moment to send big thanks to CJ Martin with CrossFit Invictus for being such a kick-ass coach and programming some great workouts. After following him for a while, understanding his methods, and seeing the results he produces, we totally decided to share the love with you guys. Today's workout: 5 sets, each for time: 5 Power Cleans (185/115#) 10 C2B Pull-ups Rest :60 between sets THEN Rest 5:00 THEN 5 sets, each for time: 100 Singles 5 Power Snatches (135/95#) Rest :60 between sets THEN Rest 5:00 THEN 5:00 AMRAP 10 Front Squats (135/95#) 10 Pull-ups 20 Double-Unders Congratulations to Erica Gamble and Shawn Lott - it looks like they were the first to finish the "12 Days of Fitness" challenge! What day are you on? What benefit have you seen from the work you've done so far? Stick with it and finish before we break for the holidays! Strength: Deadlift Conditioning: 21-15-9 C2B Pull-ups MB Cleans (20/14#) All current members should have an email now about the payment processing software. If you don't, please let us know. Don't forget - the "Aged to Perfection" Masters division competition is this Saturday at CrossFit Talon. Swing by after class to cheer for your CFH family! Also, BARBELLS FOR BOOBS is Saturday, 11/16...spread the word, make a donation, bring a friend or ten, and wear lots of pink! Strength: Push Press Conditioning: Descending ladder 10-1 of One-arm DB Snatch After each round, complete 25 DUs and 7 C2B Pull-ups Help us send good mojo to all of our CFH Warriors heading out to tackle the Warrior Dash obstacle course today. You guys are going to ROCK THIS! Regular class at 9 a.m. for the rest of us...
For time, complete the following in this exact order: 10 Deadlift (275/185#) 15 C2B Pull-Ups 30 Wall Ball (20/14#) 8 Deadlift 12 C2B Pull-Ups 25 Wall Ball 6 Deadlift 10 C2B Pull-Ups 20 Wall Ball 4 Deadlift 8 C2B Pull-Ups 15 Wall Ball 2 Deadlift 6 C2B Pull-Ups 10 Wall Ball *compare to 3-2-13 We have another birthday to celebrate today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Erica Gamble! Strength: OH Squats Conditioning: 21-15-9 OH Lunges (75/55#) C2B Pull-ups Over-bar Burpees LET'S EAT! Oh wait....let's workout first... THIS IS IT - the very last CrossFit Open workout of 2013! After the class workout, we'll run the competitors through heats as usual, then we'll pull out the food, tables, coolers, and grills and kick back to relax. You guys have all worked so hard leading up to the CrossFit Open season (whether you signed up for it or not) and we're really very proud of everyone. Take a moment to recognize everything you've accomplished lately. CrossFit Open WOD 13.5 4 min AMRAP 15 Thrusters (100/65#) 15 C2B Pull-Ups *if you reach 90 reps (3 full rounds) before the 4:00 cap, the workout becomes an 8 min AMRAP *if you reach 180 reps (another 3 full rounds) before the 8:00 cap, the workout becomes a 12 min AMRAP *and on, and on, and on until you fall short of 3 full rounds Another great weekend with an awesome group of people. THANK YOU all so much for giving 100% effort, sticking around to support your fellow athletes, cheering for each other, being judges, and just being a wonderful community overall. We are so proud of you guys - you're ROCKING these workouts! Strength: 20-rep Back Squats Conditioning: EMOM for 10 minutes 5 C2B Pull-Ups ME DUs in remaining time Welcome to Saturday, my hard-working friends. Welcome to Saturday. For time, complete the following in this exact order: 10 Deadlift (275/185#) 15 C2B Pull-Ups 30 Wall Ball (20/14#) 8 Deadlift 12 C2B Pull-Ups 25 Wall Ball 6 Deadlift 10 C2B Pull-Ups 20 Wall Ball 4 Deadlift 8 C2B Pull-Ups 15 Wall Ball 2 Deadlift 6 C2B Pull-Ups 10 Wall Ball How are those February goals coming along? We've already seen a number of successes this month, so what are you waiting for? You have four days to knock 'em out! Today's workout will be completed against a 30:00 running clock using only one barbell. In the first 10:00, you will establish a 1RM ground-to-overhead lift. At 10:00, you will complete the following for time: 25 Thrusters (95/65#) C2B Pull-Ups (10/8) 20 Thrusters C2B Pull-Ups (8/6) 15 Thrusters C2B Pull-Ups (6/4) In the remaining time, you will find your 1RM Snatch. Strength: High Bar Back Squats Conditioning: 4 Rounds 30 Double-Unders 10 Push Jerk (135/95#) Rest :30 ME UB C2B Pull-Ups Rest :60 You asked for it, you got it! The 90-day Paleo Challenge starts this Monday. If you plan to accept this challenge, be sure to sign up on the whiteboard. For those of you ready to dismiss this as a weight-loss competition, please don’t. The Paleo Challenge is not always about losing weight – it’s about getting out of your comfort zone, changing your habits for the better, and improving your performance. Here's the skinny:
I encourage each of you to do this...not to lose weight; not to stress out about food; and not to compete with each other...but to become a better version of yourself. YOU WILL IMPROVE if you accept this challenge! |
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018