| This is a FANTASTIC video and well worth the 12 minutes to watch! We understand it's not easy to change years and years of bad habits, and it's not always easy to make the right choices...but it IS SIMPLE to be healthy. We've been saying this for years: there is no secret - just eat clean! For those of you on the Paleo challenge, remember that you're not on a diet and we don't want you to starve yourselves. EAT! Strength: RDL Conditioning: "Annie" (compare to 7/17/12) 50-40-30-20-10 Double-Unders Sit-Ups |
![]() Don't forget! If you want fresh, yummy, pre-made Paleo meals delivered to you at the box next Monday, be sure to call Lisa at 615-390-4064 TODAY to get on the list. Click HERE for a peek at next week's menu. Strength: Hang Power Snatch Conditioning: 4 Rounds (55/35#) 10 KB Swings 10 Goblet Squats 10 KB Push Press 10 KB SDHP ![]() Strength: High Bar Back Squats Conditioning: 4 Rounds 30 Double-Unders 10 Push Jerk (135/95#) Rest :30 ME UB C2B Pull-Ups Rest :60 You asked for it, you got it! The 90-day Paleo Challenge starts this Monday. If you plan to accept this challenge, be sure to sign up on the whiteboard. For those of you ready to dismiss this as a weight-loss competition, please don’t. The Paleo Challenge is not always about losing weight – it’s about getting out of your comfort zone, changing your habits for the better, and improving your performance. Here's the skinny:
I encourage each of you to do this...not to lose weight; not to stress out about food; and not to compete with each other...but to become a better version of yourself. YOU WILL IMPROVE if you accept this challenge! ![]() Next Wednesday our very own Barbara Forbes will celebrate her birthday. What better way to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY than to do the CrossFit benchmark workout, "Barbara" today. Here we go! As a follow-up to yesterday's post, it looks like "My Paleo Works" offers three different ordering options: breakfast only for 3 days (around $20); lunch and dinner for 3 days (around $60); or breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 3 days (around $80). Their menu is posted HERE; you can make this decision week to week or get setup with recurring orders for a 5% discount. To place an order, contact Lisa Perry at 615-390-4064 before Tuesday night each week. Your order will be delivered to CrossFit Hermitage that following Monday (i.e., call her before this Tuesday 1/29 and your food will be delivered to CFH on Monday, 2/4). "Barbara" 5 Rounds (each round for time; 3:00 rest after each round) 20 Pull-Ups 30 Push-Ups 40 Sit-Ups 50 Squats *Compare to 1-28-12 and/or 9-8-12 ![]() Paleo, paleo, paleo...it's the name of the game if you want to see what your body is truly capable of. We're not talking about losing 5 pounds here or gaining a little muscle there. We're talking about sleeping better, having more energy and clear thinking, performing better in the gym, building those muscles, dropping that body fat...and resetting what your 'normal' feels like ('cause that bloated all the time, super tired after lunch, groggy at night, maybe I want to work out/maybe I don't feeling ain't it)! There's a great service in town named "My Paleo Works" that plans, portions, and delivers paleo meals (yes, delivers TO CROSSFIT HERMITAGE). If you're pressed for time, have trouble coming up with next week's meal plan, dread thinking of something new to try, or if you're planning to do the upcoming 90-day paleo challenge, this is absolutely a no-brainer. How great would it be to come in each week for your Monday workout and pick up a few days worth of yummy, healthy paleo meals when you leave?!? Note the picture above - it's pretty great! You can see this week and next week's menu HERE to get an idea of the food they serve. Let us know if this is something you're interested in; we'll work with the great people of "My Paleo Works" to get everything set up at the box next week so we can start accepting your deliveries as early as Monday, 2/4...hmmm...that's the start of our next 90-day paleo challenge. Coincidence? I think not. Strength: Power Cleans Conditioning: 3 Rounds 10 Box Jumps (24/20") 10 T2B 10 OH Lunges (45/25# plate)
![]() NOTE for athletes competing in this weekend's Scary Strong Games: we can step aside and work on a few things during the 7 p.m. class (not the 6 p.m. class) tonight. Please plan accordingly. CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who just completed the Paleo Challenge! Each and every one of you lost pounds, inches, and body fat...and improved your times on the Met-Con. More important though - you're now on your way to a much healthier lifestyle. Because of you guys, our CFH community is now missing almost 50 pounds, more than 30 inches, and almost 6% body fat! WE ARE PROUD OF ALL OF YOU! The two athletes who experienced the biggest overall changes, and get the title of our Fall 2012 Paleo Challenge winners are Cathy Del Rio and TJ Cundiff! Together, they lost more than 15 pounds, 12 inches, and almost 3% body fat...and they get more than $350 in prize money. WOW! Now it's up to each of you to stay on track. Set your own specific goals, and determine when you need to be strict and when you can have a planned cheat meal. Keep your food logs, compare your nutrition to your performance in the gym, and ask us when you have questions. You can do this - just stay focused on your goals! Strength: Press Cluster [1 press + 1 push press + 1 push jerk] (3-3-3+) Conditioning: 4 Rounds (rest :60 between rounds) 3 min AMRAP 3 Power Cleans (95/65#) 6 Front Squats (95/65#) 9 Push-Ups ![]() Strength: Hang Power Clean (5-5-5+) Conditioning: 10 Rounds Tire Jumps Sprint 25 yards *after you complete the Met-Con, spend some time working on a skill. Lots of good things happening in October; mark your calendars and plan appropriately! October 9-13: Paleo Challenge weigh-outs (see details below). October 13: Team WOD (2 or 3 people - you choose). October 15: Paleo Challenge winner will be announced! October 20-21: Scary Strong Games. If you're not competing, head out and cheer on your fellow CrossFit Hermitage athletes. October 27: Barbells for Boobs fundraiser (more info coming tomorrow on this one). October 31: Costume WOD. Be creative and dress it up...scary, silly, strange, spooky - we don't care. Just be silly and have fun with it (but you should probably be able to move and breathe well to get through your workout)! Congrats to our Paleo Challenge peeps who get to wrap up their 30-day challenge this week! The dates/times listed below are the only times we can conduct your weigh-out. You MUST have at LEAST 30 full days of Paleo eating before you can weigh out. Please bring your food log with you. *Tonight or Thursday after the 7 p.m. class (not the 6 p.m. class) *Wednesday or Friday after the 6 p.m. class *Saturday after 9 a.m. class All weigh-outs must be complete no later than Saturday. We will announce winners on Monday, October 15. ![]() Those of you on the Paleo Challenge are almost there! You've made it through the hard part, and you're feeling better and better each day. Now you just have to stay strong through the weekend and get ready for your weigh-out with measurements, photos, etc: *after the 7 p.m. class on 10/11 (if you weighed in on 9/10) *after the 6 p.m. class on 10/12 (if you weighed in on 9/11) *after the 9 a.m. class on 10/13 (if you just can't make it in on 10/11 or 10/12). Strength: Deadlift (5-5-5) Conditioning: OMEM for 15 minutes 3 Thrusters (95/65#...or heavier if you wish) 3 Tuck Jumps
![]() This is it! The official weigh-in window for our Paleo challenge participants starts tonight. You have three date/time options for your weigh in: - tonight after the 6 p.m. class - tonight after the 7 p.m. class - tomorrow night after the 7 p.m. class (not after the 6 p.m. class) Remember to bring your $40 cash buy-in and pick up your food log to use for the next 30 days. Good luck to everyone! Strength: Hang Clean (5-5-5+) Conditioning: 3 Rounds for Time 7 Hang Squat Cleans (115/75#) 14 Burpees 21 Double-Unders ![]() Wow - we have a lot of September birthdays in the group. Ready for another? HAPPY BIRTHDAY to one of our newest CFH members, Mathew Haffner (and great job on last night's workout)! Cheers to many, many healthy and happy years ahead. Now, let's get to work... LIFT: Deadlift (5-5-5) MetCon: 5 Rounds 20 Double-Unders 30 KB Swings (55/35#) *compare to 6-7-12 ![]() CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who just completed the Paleo Challenge! Each and every one of you lost pounds, inches, and body fat...and you're now on your way to a much healthier lifestyle. Because of you guys, our CFH community is now missing a grand total of 58.4 pounds, 38.5 inches, and 17.5% body fat! WE ARE PROUD OF ALL OF YOU! The two athletes who experienced the biggest body composition changes, and get the title of our first-ever Paleo Challenge winners are Cathy Del Rio and Jason Pepin! Together, they lost more than 22 pounds, 12 inches, and almost 5% body fat. WOW! Now that you've had your weekend celebrations it's time to get back on track. Keep your food logs; compare your nutrition to your performance in the gym; ask us when you have questions; and shoot for another 30-day challenge of your own. You can do this - just stay focused on your goals! LIFT: OH Squat (5-3-1+) MetCon: OMEM for 15 min 1 PC @ 70% 10 Plate Burpees ![]() Today is a PARTNER WOD so be sure to grab a buddy before heading to the box this morning! (don't worry - if you don't have a partner, we can scale it so you can tackle this one on your own) For those of you who WERE on the Paleo Challenge, this is it! We'll weigh-out and take measurements, photos, etc after the workout. Winners will be announced on Monday. Partner WOD: Run 650m 50 Wall Ball (20/14#) 60 Box Jumps (24/20") 50 Press or Push Press (95/65#) 60 Sit-Ups 50 Bar-Facing Burpees Run 650m Rules: Both partners must complete the full run to start and end the WOD. As a team, you must complete the number of required reps, but it does not matter which of you does more or less. Each team member must complete at least one rep of each movement. You may not start the next movement until all reps in the previous movement are complete. The WOD is over when the last member of the team finishes the last run. ![]() Whether you're on the Paleo Challenge or not, each and every single one of you have lost body fat and changed your body composition since starting with us at CrossFit Hermitage. We are SO PROUD of you all, and we hope you feel much better now that you're not carrying all that nasty fat around. For those of you on the Paleo Challenge, KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! You're losing more and more of this yucky stuff every day...and we're in the home stretch. Stick with it and get ready for the final weigh in coming soon. LIFT: (Front Squat + Press + Thruster) 5-5-5 MetCon: 21-15-9 Russian Sit-Ups (25/15#) Back Extensions Front Squat (135/95#) ![]() LIFT: Push Press (5-3-1+) MetCon: 5 Rounds 100m Run 7 Push Press (115/75#) 7 Front Squat (115/75#) KUDOS to everyone for a great job last night! You guys showed tons of effort and we saw some of you break through a few mental barriers to keep going.....well done! Here are a few resources for your Paleo Pleasure. If you're on the Challenge, you must remember to AVOID SUGAR! You may see/read something on these sites that is "Paleo-friendly" because it uses honey, which is completely natural...but it's still sugar and should be avoided while on the Challenge. Paleo Diet Robb Wolf Paleo Brands Mark's Daily Apple Everyday Paleo Here's a great blog post that talks about the importance of NOT CHEATING at least for your first 30 days. Take a peek and see if it resonates with you... ![]() Today is the day - it's time to lock it in and start your 30-day Paleo Challenge! Be sure every meal consists of lean PROTEIN (chicken, turkey, fish, grass-fed beef, eggs, etc), CARBS (veggies or fruit only), and a 'sprinkle' of healthy FATS (olive oil, avocado, coconut oil, almonds, etc). If you're eating Paleo with weight loss in mind, lay off the fruit until your body resets itself...shoot for just 1 piece a day, and keep it in the morning. Remember to keep a journal of EVERYTHING you eat/drink. We're going to ask to see it soon. What else is special about this day? IT'S BRANDON WILLIAMS' BIRTHDAY! You know what that means...a super-fun Birthday WOD! LIFT: Weighted Good Mornings (3-3-6) MetCon: 10 minutes total :60 on / :60 off 25 Heavy KB Swings ![]() Tonight is the last night to weigh-in after class and commit to the 30-day Paleo Challenge. It starts with your first meal of the day tomorrow, June 1! Take a peek at this great flow chart from PaleoHack.com; it's a light-hearted way to figure out if you're eating Paleo or not. What's that you say? You'd like to make it your phone's background image so it's always handy? Yes, we think that's a great idea! Good luck, everyone - more to come tomorrow. LIFT: Press (3-3-3+) MetCon: 3 Rounds 15 Squat Cleans (95/65#) 15 Pull-Ups 200m Run ![]() Ok, gang...the Paleo Challenge is almost here! You need to begin your food log and plan on a 30-day STRICT window starting Friday, June 1...strict means strict - eat lean meats, fresh veggies, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and NO SUGAR. Avoid grains (including bread, pasta, noodles), beans (including string beans, kidney beans, lentils, peanuts, peas), potatoes, and dairy products. Plan to stick around tonight or tomorrow night after class for your "before" measurements, weight, body fat %, and photos (for our eyes only; these will not be posted anywhere). Remember, the buy-in is $20/person. Cash only - pay during weigh in. During the 30-day challenge you are expected to eat 100% Paleo...yes, you can go 30 days without a cheat meal. You are expected to keep a food log of every single thing you eat during the 30-day challenge; we will ask you to post this information from time to time and you should be able to produce this food log upon request. At the end of 30 days, the person with the most positive change in body composition (this doesn't always mean just losing weight...you can focus on gaining muscle, too) will win the pot of money...so the more people who participate, the higher the cash prize at the end...hint, hint (separate male & female categories). NO LATE ENTRIES will be accepted. LIFT: Power Snatch (3-3-3+) MetCon: 15-12-9 Hang Power Clean (135/95#) T2B ![]() LIFT: Power Clean (5-5-5+) MetCon: Tabata Box Jumps & Tabata Push-Ups You asked for it, you got it! Our first-ever Paleo Challenge is coming soon. Here's the skinny:
The needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind. We scale each day's workout to meet your needs. Check out this video to see an example of scaling.
January 2018